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Module: SMSystem

#include <SMBlueprint.h>

Inherits from UBlueprint


class USMBlueprint;

State Machine Blueprints allow you to assemble a finite state machine which is capable of running normal Blueprint logic. Any UObject instance may be passed as a context for the state machine.

Public Functions

virtual bool SupportedByDefaultBlueprintFactory() const override
virtual UClass * GetBlueprintClass() const override
virtual void GetReparentingRules(TSet< const UClass * > & AllowedChildrenOfClasses, TSet< const UClass * > & DisallowedChildrenOfClasses) const override
virtual void NotifyGraphRenamed(UEdGraph * Graph, FName OldName, FName NewName) override
virtual bool SupportsInputEvents() const override
class USMBlueprintGeneratedClass * GetGeneratedClass() const
USMBlueprint * FindOldestParentBlueprint() const
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_FourParams(FOnRenameGraph , UBlueprint * , UEdGraph * , const FName & , const FName & )
class USMPreviewObject * GetPreviewObject(bool bCreateIfNeeded =true)
void RecreatePreviewObject()

Public Attributes

FOnRenameGraph OnRenameGraphEvent
bool bPreventConditionalCompile
bool bPreventCacheInvalidation
uint8 NumConstructionScriptPasses
uint8 bAllowEditorConstructionScripts
uint8 bEnableNodeValidation
uint8 bEnableReferenceNodeValidation
int32 AssetVersion
int32 PluginVersion

Public Functions Documentation

function SupportedByDefaultBlueprintFactory

inline virtual bool SupportedByDefaultBlueprintFactory() const override

function GetBlueprintClass

virtual UClass * GetBlueprintClass() const override

function GetReparentingRules

virtual void GetReparentingRules(
    TSet< const UClass * > & AllowedChildrenOfClasses,
    TSet< const UClass * > & DisallowedChildrenOfClasses
) const override

function NotifyGraphRenamed

virtual void NotifyGraphRenamed(
    UEdGraph * Graph,
    FName OldName,
    FName NewName
) override

function SupportsInputEvents

virtual bool SupportsInputEvents() const override

function GetGeneratedClass

class USMBlueprintGeneratedClass * GetGeneratedClass() const

function FindOldestParentBlueprint

USMBlueprint * FindOldestParentBlueprint() const


    FOnRenameGraph ,
    UBlueprint * ,
    UEdGraph * ,
    const FName & ,
    const FName & 

function GetPreviewObject

class USMPreviewObject * GetPreviewObject(
    bool bCreateIfNeeded =true

Get or instantiate the preview object.

function RecreatePreviewObject

void RecreatePreviewObject()

Recreates the preview object only if it already exists.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable OnRenameGraphEvent

static FOnRenameGraph OnRenameGraphEvent;

Event fired when a graph in a state machine blueprint is renamed.

variable bPreventConditionalCompile

bool bPreventConditionalCompile = false;

Prevents SMBlueprintEditorUtils conditional compile, useful for preventing compile on bulk operations.

variable bPreventCacheInvalidation

bool bPreventCacheInvalidation = false;

Prevents SMBlueprintEditorUtils from clearing the cache, useful for bulk operations.

variable NumConstructionScriptPasses

uint8 NumConstructionScriptPasses;

The number of passes to run for editor construction scripts. 1 is default. 2 is legacy behavior (Logic Driver Pro 2.5-2.7).

Extra passes can help when a node needs to read up-to-date values from other nodes that were also modified by construction scripts, but at a (potentially significant) cost to performance.

variable bAllowEditorConstructionScripts

uint8 bAllowEditorConstructionScripts;

Allow editor construction scripts to run within this blueprint, dependent on Logic Driver Project Editor settings.

variable bEnableNodeValidation

uint8 bEnableNodeValidation;

When enabled 'OnPreCompileValidate()' will be called on each node instance in this blueprint during compile. This can allow custom validation prevent this blueprint from compiling.

variable bEnableReferenceNodeValidation

uint8 bEnableReferenceNodeValidation;

Run 'OnPreCompileValidate()' on all nodes within any references in this blueprint. This can allow a node contained in another blueprint to prevent this blueprint from compiling.

variable AssetVersion

int32 AssetVersion;

The specific asset version of this blueprint. This only increases on significant changes that requires a recompile.

variable PluginVersion

int32 PluginVersion;

The plugin version used to save this asset.

Private Attributes Documentation

variable PreviewObject

TObjectPtr< UObject > PreviewObject;