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Module: SMSystem

#include <SMBlueprint.h>

Inherits from UBlueprint


class USMBlueprint;

State Machine Blueprints allow you to assemble a finite state machine which is capable of running normal Blueprint logic. Any UObject instance may be passed as a context for the state machine.

Public Functions

virtual bool SupportedByDefaultBlueprintFactory() const override
virtual UClass * GetBlueprintClass() const override
virtual void GetReparentingRules(TSet< const UClass * > & AllowedChildrenOfClasses, TSet< const UClass * > & DisallowedChildrenOfClasses) const override
virtual void NotifyGraphRenamed(UEdGraph * Graph, FName OldName, FName NewName) override
virtual bool SupportsInputEvents() const override
class USMBlueprintGeneratedClass * GetGeneratedClass() const
USMBlueprint * FindOldestParentBlueprint() const
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_FourParams(FOnRenameGraph , UBlueprint * , UEdGraph * , const FName & , const FName & )
class USMPreviewObject * GetPreviewObject(bool bCreateIfNeeded =true)
void RecreatePreviewObject()

Public Attributes

Public Functions Documentation

function SupportedByDefaultBlueprintFactory

inline virtual bool SupportedByDefaultBlueprintFactory() const override

function GetBlueprintClass

virtual UClass * GetBlueprintClass() const override

function GetReparentingRules

virtual void GetReparentingRules(
    TSet< const UClass * > & AllowedChildrenOfClasses,
    TSet< const UClass * > & DisallowedChildrenOfClasses
) const override

function NotifyGraphRenamed

virtual void NotifyGraphRenamed(
    UEdGraph * Graph,
    FName OldName,
    FName NewName
) override

function SupportsInputEvents

virtual bool SupportsInputEvents() const override

function GetGeneratedClass

class USMBlueprintGeneratedClass * GetGeneratedClass() const

function FindOldestParentBlueprint

USMBlueprint * FindOldestParentBlueprint() const


    FOnRenameGraph ,
    UBlueprint * ,
    UEdGraph * ,
    const FName & ,
    const FName & 

function GetPreviewObject

class USMPreviewObject * GetPreviewObject(
    bool bCreateIfNeeded =true

Get or instantiate the preview object.

function RecreatePreviewObject

void RecreatePreviewObject()

Recreates the preview object only if it already exists.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable OnRenameGraphEvent

static FOnRenameGraph OnRenameGraphEvent;

Event fired when a graph in a state machine blueprint is renamed.

variable bPreventConditionalCompile

bool bPreventConditionalCompile = false;

Prevents SMBlueprintEditorUtils conditional compile, useful for preventing compile on bulk operations.

variable bPreventCacheInvalidation

bool bPreventCacheInvalidation = false;

Prevents SMBlueprintEditorUtils from clearing the cache, useful for bulk operations.

variable NumConstructionScriptPasses

uint8 NumConstructionScriptPasses;

The number of passes to run for editor construction scripts. 1 is default. 2 is legacy behavior (Logic Driver Pro 2.5-2.7).

Extra passes can help when a node needs to read up-to-date values from other nodes that were also modified by construction scripts, but at a (potentially significant) cost to performance.

variable bAllowEditorConstructionScripts

uint8 bAllowEditorConstructionScripts;

Allow editor construction scripts to run within this blueprint, dependent on Logic Driver Project Editor settings.

variable bEnableNodeValidation

uint8 bEnableNodeValidation;

When enabled 'OnPreCompileValidate()' will be called on each node instance in this blueprint during compile. This can allow custom validation prevent this blueprint from compiling.

variable bEnableReferenceNodeValidation

uint8 bEnableReferenceNodeValidation;

Run 'OnPreCompileValidate()' on all nodes within any references in this blueprint. This can allow a node contained in another blueprint to prevent this blueprint from compiling.

variable AssetVersion

int32 AssetVersion;

The specific asset version of this blueprint. This only increases on significant changes that requires a recompile.

variable PluginVersion

int32 PluginVersion;

The plugin version used to save this asset.

Private Attributes Documentation

variable PreviewObject

TObjectPtr< UObject > PreviewObject;