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Module: SMPreviewEditor

#include <SMPreviewObject.h>

Inherits from UObject


class USMPreviewObject;

Single object per blueprint to manage simulation data.

Public Functions

virtual ~USMPreviewObject() override
virtual void Serialize(FArchive & Ar) override
virtual void PostEditChangeChainProperty(FPropertyChangedChainEvent & PropertyChangedEvent) override
virtual void PostEditUndo() override
virtual bool IsEditorOnly() const override
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnPreviewObjectChanged , USMPreviewObject * )
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnPreviewWorldChanged , UWorld * )
USMInstance * InitializeStateMachine(UObject * InContext)
void ShutdownStateMachine()
void SetFromBlueprint(UBlueprint * Blueprint)
ASMPreviewStateMachineActor * GetPreviewStateMachineActor() const
void SetPreviewWorld(UWorld * InWorld, const bool bModify =false)
void SetCurrentWorld(UWorld * InWorld)
void UpdateGameMode()
void SpawnAllActors()
void DestroyAllActors()
void RefreshPreviewWorldActors()
bool ContainsActor(AActor * CompareActor) const
void SaveAllActorReferences()
void RestoreAllActorReferences()
bool IsSimulationRunning() const
UWorld * GetPreviewWorld() const
UWorld * GetCurrentWorld() const
USMInstance * GetStateMachineTemplate() const
void SetSimulatedStateMachineInstance(USMInstance * InInstance)
USMInstance * GetSimulatedStateMachineInstance() const
TSubclassOf< AGameModeBase > GetGameMode() const
bool ShouldPossessPawnContext() const
void SetContextActor(AActor * InActor)
AActor * GetContextActor() const
void AddPreviewActor(FSMPreviewObjectSpawner & NewPreviewObject)
void RemovePreviewActor(AActor * ActorToRemove)
void NotifySimulationStarted()
void NotifySimulationEnded()
void BindActorDelegates()
void ReleaseActorHandles()

Protected Functions

void OnWorldDestroyed(UWorld * World)
void GetAllActorReferences(UObject * InObject, TMap< FName, FName > & PropertyNameValue) const
void RestoreActorReferences(UObject * InObject, ULevel * InLevel, const TMap< FName, FName > & PropertyNameValue)
void SpawnActorForWorld(FSMPreviewObjectSpawner & InOutSpawner)
AActor * SpawnActorForWorld(UWorld * InWorld, UClass * ActorClass, AActor * ActorTemplate, const FTransform & Transform)
void DestroyActor(AActor * Actor)
FSMPreviewObjectSpawner * GetPreviewSpawnerFromActor(AActor * Actor)
void BuildActorMap()

Public Attributes

FOnPreviewObjectChanged OnPreviewObjectChangedEvent
FOnPreviewObjectChanged OnWorldRefreshRequiredEvent
FOnPreviewObjectChanged OnSimulationStartedEvent
FOnPreviewObjectChanged OnSimulationEndedEvent
FOnPreviewWorldChanged OnCurrentWorldChangedEvent

Public Functions Documentation

function USMPreviewObject


function ~USMPreviewObject

virtual ~USMPreviewObject() override

function Serialize

virtual void Serialize(
    FArchive & Ar
) override

function PostEditChangeChainProperty

virtual void PostEditChangeChainProperty(
    FPropertyChangedChainEvent & PropertyChangedEvent
) override

function PostEditUndo

virtual void PostEditUndo() override

function IsEditorOnly

inline virtual bool IsEditorOnly() const override


    FOnPreviewObjectChanged ,
    USMPreviewObject * 


    FOnPreviewWorldChanged ,
    UWorld * 

function InitializeStateMachine

USMInstance * InitializeStateMachine(
    UObject * InContext

Initialize the live state machine instance.

function ShutdownStateMachine

void ShutdownStateMachine()

Gracefully shutdown the state machine.

function SetFromBlueprint

void SetFromBlueprint(
    UBlueprint * Blueprint

Sets state machine properties from a blueprint.

function GetPreviewStateMachineActor

inline ASMPreviewStateMachineActor * GetPreviewStateMachineActor() const

The actor that was spawned in a preview world if any.

function SetPreviewWorld

void SetPreviewWorld(
    UWorld * InWorld,
    const bool bModify =false

Call before use so the preview object knows what world to spawn and destroy actors.

function SetCurrentWorld

void SetCurrentWorld(
    UWorld * InWorld

The current world: either simulation or preview.

function UpdateGameMode

void UpdateGameMode()

Signal that the game mode has updated.

function SpawnAllActors

void SpawnAllActors()

Spawns context and all preview actors.

function DestroyAllActors

void DestroyAllActors()

Destroys context and all preview actors.

function RefreshPreviewWorldActors

void RefreshPreviewWorldActors()

Signals to refresh actors, such as after a package has saved.

function ContainsActor

bool ContainsActor(
    AActor * CompareActor
) const

Checks if the actor is contained in the spawned actors.

function SaveAllActorReferences

void SaveAllActorReferences()

Save actor reference paths so they can be restored after an editor reset.

function RestoreAllActorReferences

void RestoreAllActorReferences()

Use saved actor paths to find the real actor references in the world.

function IsSimulationRunning

bool IsSimulationRunning() const

Checks if a state machine is currently running for simulation.

function GetPreviewWorld

inline UWorld * GetPreviewWorld() const

The current preview world if one exists.

function GetCurrentWorld

inline UWorld * GetCurrentWorld() const

The preview or simulation world.

function GetStateMachineTemplate

inline USMInstance * GetStateMachineTemplate() const

function SetSimulatedStateMachineInstance

void SetSimulatedStateMachineInstance(
    USMInstance * InInstance

function GetSimulatedStateMachineInstance

inline USMInstance * GetSimulatedStateMachineInstance() const

function GetGameMode

inline TSubclassOf< AGameModeBase > GetGameMode() const

function ShouldPossessPawnContext

inline bool ShouldPossessPawnContext() const

function SetContextActor

void SetContextActor(
    AActor * InActor

function GetContextActor

AActor * GetContextActor() const

function AddPreviewActor

void AddPreviewActor(
    FSMPreviewObjectSpawner & NewPreviewObject

Create an initial template and spawn the actor.

function RemovePreviewActor

void RemovePreviewActor(
    AActor * ActorToRemove

Searches for the preview spawner associated with this actor and removes it and despawns it.

function NotifySimulationStarted

void NotifySimulationStarted()

Inform the preview object simulation has started.

function NotifySimulationEnded

void NotifySimulationEnded()

Inform the preview object simulation has ended.

function BindActorDelegates

void BindActorDelegates()

Bind to engine actor delegates.

function ReleaseActorHandles

void ReleaseActorHandles()

Safely release and reset all delegate handles.

Protected Functions Documentation

function OnWorldDestroyed

void OnWorldDestroyed(
    UWorld * World

function GetAllActorReferences

void GetAllActorReferences(
    UObject * InObject,
    TMap< FName, FName > & PropertyNameValue
) const

function RestoreActorReferences

void RestoreActorReferences(
    UObject * InObject,
    ULevel * InLevel,
    const TMap< FName, FName > & PropertyNameValue

function SpawnActorForWorld

void SpawnActorForWorld(
    FSMPreviewObjectSpawner & InOutSpawner

function SpawnActorForWorld

AActor * SpawnActorForWorld(
    UWorld * InWorld,
    UClass * ActorClass,
    AActor * ActorTemplate,
    const FTransform & Transform

function DestroyActor

void DestroyActor(
    AActor * Actor

Destroy an actor but will not null out actor from the object spawner.

function GetPreviewSpawnerFromActor

FSMPreviewObjectSpawner * GetPreviewSpawnerFromActor(
    AActor * Actor

Find the preview reference from an actor.

function BuildActorMap

void BuildActorMap()

Quick access to finding a preview spawner given an actor. Should be rebuilt whenever PreviewObjects is modified.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable OnPreviewObjectChangedEvent

FOnPreviewObjectChanged OnPreviewObjectChangedEvent;

When a property of the preview object has changed.

variable OnWorldRefreshRequiredEvent

FOnPreviewObjectChanged OnWorldRefreshRequiredEvent;

When the preview object needs a new world.

variable OnSimulationStartedEvent

FOnPreviewObjectChanged OnSimulationStartedEvent;

When the simulation first starts.

variable OnSimulationEndedEvent

FOnPreviewObjectChanged OnSimulationEndedEvent;

When the simulation ends.

variable OnCurrentWorldChangedEvent

FOnPreviewWorldChanged OnCurrentWorldChangedEvent;

When a new world has been set such as from preview to simulation or back.

Private Attributes Documentation

variable OnWorldDestroyedHandle

FDelegateHandle OnWorldDestroyedHandle;

variable PieStartedHandle

FDelegateHandle PieStartedHandle;

variable ActorMovingHandle

FDelegateHandle ActorMovingHandle;

variable ActorMovedHandle

FDelegateHandle ActorMovedHandle;

variable ActorPropertyChangeHandle

FDelegateHandle ActorPropertyChangeHandle;

variable PreviewObjects

TArray< FSMPreviewObjectSpawner > PreviewObjects;

All objects to spawn into the preview world.

variable ActorNameToPreviewIndex

TMap< FName, int32 > ActorNameToPreviewIndex;

Actor name to the index of the PreviewObjects array.

variable ContextName

FName ContextName;

Actor name to use as the context.

variable CachedContextActor

TObjectPtr< AActor > CachedContextActor;

Current context actor for this session.

variable GameMode

TSubclassOf< AGameModeBase > GameMode;

The game mode to use when simulating.

variable bPossessPawnContext

bool bPossessPawnContext;

Possess a pawn context with the default player controller when simulating.

variable StateMachineTemplate

USMInstance * StateMachineTemplate;

The state machine to spawn into the simulation world.

variable SimulatedStateMachineInstance

TObjectPtr< USMInstance > SimulatedStateMachineInstance;

The SIMULATED state machine that is running. Hosted under a PreviewStateMachineActor if there is a valid world. This is set externally when a user starts simulation.

variable ActorPropertyToActorName

TMap< FName, FName > ActorPropertyToActorName;

Full property names mapped to actor names.

variable PreviewStateMachineInstance

TObjectPtr< USMInstance > PreviewStateMachineInstance;

The state machine instance in the PREVIEW world.

variable PreviewStateMachineActor

TObjectPtr< ASMPreviewStateMachineActor > PreviewStateMachineActor;

An actor to host a PREVIEW state machine.

variable PreviewWorld

TObjectPtr< UWorld > PreviewWorld;

The PREVIEW world if one exists.

variable CurrentWorld

TObjectPtr< UWorld > CurrentWorld;

Either preview or simulation.

variable SpawnedActors

TArray< TObjectPtr< AActor > > SpawnedActors;

Actors currently spawned in the world.

variable bSpawningActor

bool bSpawningActor;

True only during a spawn.

variable bDontModify

bool bDontModify;

Prevents Modify() from being called.

variable bIsSaving

bool bIsSaving;

True during serialize writing.