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Module: SMSystem

#include <SMUtils.h>


class USMUtils;

Internal helpers around utilizing state machine instances.

Public Functions

bool GenerateStateMachine(UObject * Instance, FSMStateMachine & StateMachineOut, const TSet< FStructProperty * > & RunTimeProperties, bool bForCompile =false)
bool TryGetStateMachinePropertiesForClass(const UClass * Class, TSet< FStructProperty * > & PropertiesOut, FGuid & RootGuid, EFieldIteratorFlags::SuperClassFlags SuperFlags =EFieldIteratorFlags::ExcludeSuper)
bool TryGetGraphPropertiesForClass(const UClass * Class, TSet< FProperty * > & PropertiesOut, const TSharedPtr< FSMCachedPropertyData, ESPMode::ThreadSafe > & CachedPropertyData)
void TryGetAllOwners(const FSMNode_Base * Node, TArray< const FSMNode_Base * > & OwnersOrdered, const USMInstance * LimitToInstance =nullptr)
FString BuildGuidPathFromNodes(const TArray< const FSMNode_Base * > & Nodes, TMap< FString, int32 > * MappedPaths =nullptr)
FGuid PathToGuid(const FString & UnhashedPath, FGuid * OutGuid =nullptr)
UObject * FindTemplateFromInstance(const USMInstance * Instance, const FName & TemplateName)
bool TryGetAllReferenceTemplatesFromInstance(const USMInstance * Instance, TSet< USMInstance * > & TemplatesOut, bool bIncludeNested =false)
template \<typename T >
T *
FindControllerFromContext(UObject * InContextObject)
void EnableInputForObject(APlayerController * InPlayerController, UObject * InObject, TObjectPtr< UInputComponent > & InOutComponent, int32 InputPriority, bool bBlockInput, bool bPushPopInput)
void DisableInput(UWorld * InWorld, TObjectPtr< UInputComponent > & InOutComponent)
void HandlePawnControllerChange(APawn * InPawn, AController * InController, UObject * InObject, TObjectPtr< UInputComponent > & InOutComponent, int32 InputPriority, bool bBlockInput)
void ActivateStateNetOrLocal(FSMState_Base * InState, bool bValue, bool bSetAllParents =false, bool bActivateNow =true)
template \<typename T >
TryGetAllRuntimeNodesFromInstance(USMInstance * Instance, TSet< T * > & NodesOut)
template \<typename T >
BlueprintPropertyToNativeProperty(FProperty * Property, UObject * Scope, TArray< T > & OutNativeProperties)
template \<typename T >
BlueprintPropertyToNativeProperty(FProperty * Property, UObject * Scope, TArray< T * > & OutNativeProperties)
template \<typename T >
InsertOrAddToArray(TArray< T > & InArray, const T & InObject, int32 InIndex)
template \<typename T >
RemoveAtOrPopFromArray(TArray< T > & InArray, int32 InIndex)

Public Functions Documentation

function GenerateStateMachine

static bool GenerateStateMachine(
    UObject * Instance,
    FSMStateMachine & StateMachineOut,
    const TSet< FStructProperty * > & RunTimeProperties,
    bool bForCompile =false

Compiles a state machine from an object. (Should be SMInstance). Guid needs to be set correctly prior to calling.


The object containing instance data. Should be an USMInstance.
The state machine struct which will be assembled.
Class properties which will be used to create the state machine.
Prevents the full initialize sequence from running on references and used to gather information for compile.

function TryGetStateMachinePropertiesForClass

static bool TryGetStateMachinePropertiesForClass(
    const UClass * Class,
    TSet< FStructProperty * > & PropertiesOut,
    FGuid & RootGuid,
    EFieldIteratorFlags::SuperClassFlags SuperFlags =EFieldIteratorFlags::ExcludeSuper

Locate the properties required for a state machine looking backwards up the parent classes.

function TryGetGraphPropertiesForClass

static bool TryGetGraphPropertiesForClass(
    const UClass * Class,
    TSet< FProperty * > & PropertiesOut,
    const TSharedPtr< FSMCachedPropertyData, ESPMode::ThreadSafe > & CachedPropertyData

Locate any Graph Properties for a given class.

function TryGetAllOwners

static void TryGetAllOwners(
    const FSMNode_Base * Node,
    TArray< const FSMNode_Base * > & OwnersOrdered,
    const USMInstance * LimitToInstance =nullptr

Look up all node owners. Results will be ordered oldest to newest with the given Node as the last entry.

function BuildGuidPathFromNodes

static FString BuildGuidPathFromNodes(
    const TArray< const FSMNode_Base * > & Nodes,
    TMap< FString, int32 > * MappedPaths =nullptr

Construct a path of guids from the nodes.

function PathToGuid

static FGuid PathToGuid(
    const FString & UnhashedPath,
    FGuid * OutGuid =nullptr

Convert an unhashed path to a hashed guid path.

function FindTemplateFromInstance

static UObject * FindTemplateFromInstance(
    const USMInstance * Instance,
    const FName & TemplateName

Search up parents for a default sub objects for a template.

function TryGetAllReferenceTemplatesFromInstance

static bool TryGetAllReferenceTemplatesFromInstance(
    const USMInstance * Instance,
    TSet< USMInstance * > & TemplatesOut,
    bool bIncludeNested =false

Find all reference templates from an instance. Nested children shouldn't be found after a compile or during run-time!

function FindControllerFromContext

template <typename T >
static inline T * FindControllerFromContext(
    UObject * InContextObject

Attempt to find a controller of type T from the context object.

function EnableInputForObject

static void EnableInputForObject(
    APlayerController * InPlayerController,
    UObject * InObject,
    TObjectPtr< UInputComponent > & InOutComponent,
    int32 InputPriority,
    bool bBlockInput,
    bool bPushPopInput

Create an input component for an object if necessary and register with a player controller.

function DisableInput

static void DisableInput(
    UWorld * InWorld,
    TObjectPtr< UInputComponent > & InOutComponent

Disable input for all player controllers using this input component.

function HandlePawnControllerChange

static void HandlePawnControllerChange(
    APawn * InPawn,
    AController * InController,
    UObject * InObject,
    TObjectPtr< UInputComponent > & InOutComponent,
    int32 InputPriority,
    bool bBlockInput

Call when a controller has changed for a tracked pawn.

function ActivateStateNetOrLocal

static void ActivateStateNetOrLocal(
    FSMState_Base * InState,
    bool bValue,
    bool bSetAllParents =false,
    bool bActivateNow =true

Change the active state of a state machine instance, handling replication or local.

function TryGetAllRuntimeNodesFromInstance

template <typename T >
static inline bool TryGetAllRuntimeNodesFromInstance(
    USMInstance * Instance,
    TSet< T * > & NodesOut

Iterate properties of an instance finding all structs derived from the given type (such as FSMNode_Base).

function BlueprintPropertyToNativeProperty

template <typename T >
static inline void BlueprintPropertyToNativeProperty(
    FProperty * Property,
    UObject * Scope,
    TArray< T > & OutNativeProperties

function BlueprintPropertyToNativeProperty

template <typename T >
static inline void BlueprintPropertyToNativeProperty(
    FProperty * Property,
    UObject * Scope,
    TArray< T * > & OutNativeProperties

function InsertOrAddToArray

template <typename T >
static inline int32 InsertOrAddToArray(
    TArray< T > & InArray,
    const T & InObject,
    int32 InIndex

Insert an element into the array if the index is valid, otherwise add to the end.

Return: The index the element was inserted to.

function RemoveAtOrPopFromArray

template <typename T >
static inline void RemoveAtOrPopFromArray(
    TArray< T > & InArray,
    int32 InIndex

Remove an element from the array if the index is valid, otherwise remove from the end.