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Text Graph Property

Text Graph Properties are a struct type you can add to any state class. They allow you to quickly edit text on a node while also formatting variables and supporting rich text.


Adding a Text Graph to a Node

Text Graph Property structs can be added to all types of state classes.

A blueprint graph is automatically created in the owning state node which utilizes a format text node. When text is committed variables and pure functions are extracted.

A custom state class:

#pragma once

#include "SMStateInstance.h"
#include "SMTextGraphProperty.h"

#include "DialogueNode.generated.h"

class UDialogueNode : public USMStateInstance

    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintPure, Category = Dialogue)
    const FText& GetDialogueText();

    UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = Dialogue)
    FSMTextGraphProperty DialogueBody;

Always Public

It is not necessary to make this variable public or set it to BlueprintReadWrite. Text Graph Properties will always be added to a node since there is no reason to include these property types otherwise. It is still possible to mark the property Read Only or Hidden.

Video Demonstration

Variables and Functions in Text

Variables and pure return functions in the owning blueprint can be drag and dropped onto the text body.

Names can also be typed out:

I format text for you and can accept variables like {StrVariable}.


  • Anything between the brackets {} will be considered for parsing.
  • Adding a ` character beforehand will prevent parsing, such as: `{StrVariable}

If a variable or method isn't found it will be marked in red and give a compile error.

Handling Object Types

You may want to place an object type directly in text and convert it to a readable string. The default handling when placing an object in the text field is to use Unreal's built in ToText conversions.

You can specify your own type of conversion functions to use.

  1. Define the conversion function on the object type that will be placed in the text.
    • The function needs to be blueprint pure and return Text.
    • Base classes work for storing the function when placing children.
    • Interfaces should work if defined in C++ with const but can't if defined in blueprints because they need to be blueprint pure.
  2. On the TextGraphProperty expand the Text Serializer.
  3. You have two options:
    1. The easiest way is to enter your function name under To Text Dynamic Function Name.
      • This function is dynamically looked up during run-time allowing you to place even a UObject type in the text. As long as that UObject has the function available in run-time it will work.
      • You can also set this globally under Project Settings -> Logic Driver Text Graph Editor which allows you to support text graph arrays. This option will always be overridden by any function names declared locally in the text graph's Text Serializer.
    2. The second way is to add a function under To Text Function Names.
      • These are compile time constant functions. The object type you place in the graph must have the function available at compile time. This is not compatible with generic UObject types.
      • When first adding the conversion function name you'll need to make sure the object blueprint with the function is compiled, the state class that holds the text graph is compiled, and the state machine you're using is compiled.
  4. To verify it's working once you place your object in the text field you can right click on the property and choose Go to Property Graph. You should see your new function in the graph.

The state node containing a Text Graph Property with a variable:


The state class defaults for the Text Graph Property, pointing to a custom function called ToText:


A custom function defined on our actor class:


What the generated text graph looks like:


The in-game result after evaluating the Text Graph Property:


Graph Edit

It's possible to directly edit the Text Graph by right clicking on the property and choosing Convert to Graph Edit. Once in graph edit you won't be able to edit text on the node again unless Revert to Node Edit is selected.


Graph Edit Mode

Switching to Node Edit Is Destructive

Switching back to node edit will reformat the text graph, so you should stay in one mode or the other.

Getting the Text Result

Unlike normal properties exposed on the node, Text Graph Properties won't automatically evaluate when a state starts, and instead are on demand.

To evaluate in blueprint you only have to break the struct. This process evaluates the graph. The Result contains the formatted text output.

Splitting the struct pin is also an option.

To evaluate in C++ call Execute() on the TextGraphProperty. Then read the Result.

const FText& UDialogueNode::GetDialogueText()
    return DialogueBody.Result;

Rich Text (2.7+)

Rich text can be displayed within text graph properties. The rich text supports Unreal Engine's UMG rich text.

From a text graph's default settings select the rich text style or decorator classes to assign. This will only be used in the editor. At run-time the original text is output and it is up to your UMG widgets to display rich text.

All rich text will be removed while editing the text graph.

When not in edit mode and a variable is in between rich style attributes, it will also show up as {VARIABLE_NAME} since Unreal Engine does not support nesting rich styles which variables also use.

RichText RichTextSettings

Current Limitations

  • Only variables and functions in the owning blueprint and its parents may be used.
  • Parameters cannot be passed to functions.
  • Changing the type of a variable or function that's in use in a text graph may not always update the graph pins correctly and the text may have to be recommitted.