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Module: SMSystemEditor

Inherits from USMGraphNode_Base, UEdGraphNode, ISMEditorGraphNodeInterface

Public Functions

void SetRuntimeDefaults(FSMTransition & Transition) const
void CopyFrom(const USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge & Transition)
FSMTransition * GetRuntimeNode() const
virtual void AllocateDefaultPins() override
virtual FText GetNodeTitle(ENodeTitleType::Type TitleType) const override
virtual void PinConnectionListChanged(UEdGraphPin * Pin) override
virtual void PostPlacedNewNode() override
virtual void PrepareForCopying() override
virtual void PostPasteNode() override
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent & PropertyChangedEvent) override
virtual void PostEditChangeChainProperty(FPropertyChangedChainEvent & PropertyChangedEvent) override
virtual void PostEditUndo() override
virtual void DestroyNode() override
virtual bool CanDuplicateNode() const override
virtual void ReconstructNode() override
virtual UObject * GetJumpTargetForDoubleClick() const override
virtual FSlateIcon GetIconAndTint(FLinearColor & OutColor) const override
virtual void ResetDebugState() override
virtual void UpdateTime(float DeltaTime) override
virtual void ImportDeprecatedProperties() override
virtual void PlaceDefaultInstanceNodes() override
virtual FName GetFriendlyNodeName() const override
virtual FLinearColor GetBackgroundColor() const override
virtual FLinearColor GetActiveBackgroundColor() const override
virtual FName GetNodeClassPropertyName() const override
virtual FName GetNodeStackPropertyName() override
virtual FName GetNodeStackElementClassPropertyName() const override
virtual UClass * GetNodeClass() const override
virtual void SetNodeClass(UClass * Class) override
virtual bool SupportsPropertyGraphs() const override
virtual float GetMaxDebugTime() const override
virtual bool IsDebugNodeActive() const override
virtual bool WasDebugNodeActive() const override
virtual void PreCompile(FSMKismetCompilerContext & CompilerContext) override
virtual void PreCompileNodeInstanceValidation(FCompilerResultsLog & CompilerContext, USMCompilerLog * CompilerLog, USMGraphNode_Base * OwningNode) override
virtual void OnCompile(FSMKismetCompilerContext & CompilerContext) override
virtual bool AreTemplatesFullyLoaded() const override
virtual bool CanRunConstructionScripts() const override
virtual bool DoesNodePossiblyHaveConstructionScripts() const override
virtual void RunAllConstructionScripts_Internal() override
virtual void RestoreArchetypeValuesPriorToConstruction() override
virtual const FSlateBrush * GetNodeIcon() const override
virtual void OnBoundGraphRenamed(UObject * OldOuter, const FName OldName) override
virtual TArray< TSubclassOf< USMGraphNode_Base > > GetAllowedDuplicateNodeNameTypes() const override
virtual void ResetNodeName() override
FLinearColor GetTransitionColor(bool bIsHovered) const
const FSlateBrush * GetTransitionIcon(int32 InIndex)
bool IsUsingCustomName() const
UClass * GetSelectedDelegateOwnerClass() const
void GoToTransitionEventNode()
void InitTransitionDelegate()
FString GetTransitionName() const
FString GetDefaultTransitionName() const
void CreateConnections(USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase * Start, USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase * End)
bool PossibleToTransition() const
USMTransitionGraph * GetTransitionGraph() const
USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase * GetFromState(bool bIncludeReroute =false) const
USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase * GetToState(bool bIncludeReroute =false) const
USMGraphNode_RerouteNode * GetPreviousRerouteNode() const
USMGraphNode_RerouteNode * GetNextRerouteNode() const
USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * GetPrimaryReroutedTransition()
USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * GetFirstReroutedTransition()
USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * GetLastReroutedTransition()
bool IsPrimaryReroutedTransition() const
bool IsConnectedToRerouteNode(const USMGraphNode_RerouteNode * RerouteNode)
void GetAllReroutedTransitions(TArray< USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * > & OutTransitions, TArray< USMGraphNode_RerouteNode * > & OutRerouteNodes)
void GetAllReroutedTransitions(TArray< USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * > & OutTransitions)
void UpdatePrimaryTransition(bool bCopySettingsFromPrimary =true)
void DestroyReroutedTransitions()
bool ShouldRunParallel() const
bool WasEvaluating() const
bool IsHovered() const
bool IsFromAnyState() const
bool IsFromLinkState() const
bool IsFromRerouteNode() const
bool IsRerouted() const
UEdGraphPin * GetLinearExpressionPin() const
const TArray< FTransitionStackContainer > & GetAllNodeStackTemplates() const
Transition Stack.
virtual int32 GetIndexOfTemplate(const FGuid & TemplateGuid) const override
virtual void GetAllNodeTemplates(TArray< USMNodeInstance * > & OutNodeInstances) const override
virtual USMNodeInstance * GetTemplateFromIndex(int32 Index) const override
USMNodeInstance * GetTemplateFromGuid(const FGuid & TemplateGuid) const
USMNodeInstance * GetHoveredStackTemplate() const
void ClearCachedHoveredStackTemplate() const
void InitTransitionStack()
void DestroyTransitionStack()
bool HasValidTransitionStack() const
void FormatGraphForStackNodes()

Protected Functions

virtual void OnConvertToCurrentVersion(bool bOnlyOnLoad) override
void CreateBoundGraph()
void DuplicateBoundGraph()
void SetBoundGraph(UEdGraph * Graph)
void SetupDelegateDefaults()
void RefreshTransitionDelegate()
void UpdateTransitionDelegateGuid()
void UpdateResultNodeEventSettings()
void AddNewStackInstanceNodes()
void RemoveUnusedStackInstanceNodes()
virtual FLinearColor Internal_GetBackgroundColor() const override
End Transition Stack.
void SetDefaultsWhenPlaced()

Protected Attributes

bool bWasEvaluating


Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from USMGraphNode_Base

virtual void Serialize(FArchive & Ar) override
virtual void PostLoad() override
virtual ~USMGraphNode_Base() override
virtual TSharedPtr< INameValidatorInterface > MakeNameValidator() const override
virtual void OnRenameNode(const FString & NewName) override
virtual bool CanJumpToDefinition() const override
virtual void JumpToDefinition() const override
virtual bool CanCreateUnderSpecifiedSchema(const UEdGraphSchema * Schema) const override
virtual void ValidateNodeDuringCompilation(FCompilerResultsLog & MessageLog) const override
virtual TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface > GetEditorGraphProperty(FName PropertyName, const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance, int32 ArrayIndex) const override
virtual TArray< TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface > > GetEditorGraphPropertyAsArray(FName PropertyName, const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance, int32 ArrayIndex) const override
virtual TArray< TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface > > GetAllEditorGraphProperties(const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance) const override
virtual USMNodeInstance * AddStackNode(TSubclassOf< USMNodeInstance > NodeClass, int32 StackIndex) override
virtual void RemoveStackNode(int32 StackIndex) override
virtual void ClearStackNodes() override
virtual FString GetNodeName() const override
virtual bool SetNodeName(const FString & NewName, FText & OutErrorMessage) override
virtual TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphNode_StateBaseInterface > AsStateBaseInterface() override
virtual void SetNodeName_Direct(const FString & InNewName)
virtual void OnWidgetConstruct()
virtual void CheckSetErrorMessages()
virtual void ResetLogMessages()
void UpdateErrorMessageFromLogs()
void AddNodeLogMessage(const FSMGraphNodeLog & Message)
bool TryGetNodeLogMessage(FString & OutMessage, int32 & OutSeverity) const
virtual void OnNodeMoved(const FVector2D & NewPosition)
void SetReadOnlyNodePosition()
virtual void GoToLocalGraph() const
virtual bool CanGoToLocalGraph() const
virtual const FGuid & GetCorrectNodeGuid(bool * bIsRunTimeGuid =nullptr) const
virtual void InitTemplate()
virtual void DestroyTemplate()
void RunAllConstructionScripts()
bool IsRunningConstructionScripts() const
UClass * GetDefaultNodeClass() const
bool IsUsingDefaultNodeClass() const
bool IsNodeClassNative() const
virtual bool IsNodeFastPathEnabled() const
virtual FName GetNodeTemplatePropertyName()
USMNodeInstance * GetNodeTemplate() const
USMNodeInstance * GetNodeTemplateFromGuid(const FGuid & Guid) const
T * GetNodeTemplateAs(bool bCheck =false) const
USMGraph * GetOwningStateMachineGraph() const
UEdGraph * GetBoundGraph() const
void ClearBoundGraph()
void CreateGraphPropertyGraphs(bool bGenerateNewGuids =false)
bool CreateGraphPropertyGraphsForTemplate(USMNodeInstance * Template, bool bGenerateNewGuids, TSet< FGuid > & LiveGuidsInOut, bool bResetNonVariableGuids =false)
void RemoveGraphPropertyGraphsForTemplate(USMNodeInstance * Template)
UEdGraph * GetGraphPropertyGraph(const FGuid & Guid) const
USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base * GetGraphPropertyNode(const FGuid & Guid) const
USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base * GetGraphPropertyNode(const FName & VariableName, const USMNodeInstance * TemplateMatch =nullptr, int32 Index =INDEX_NONE) const
TArray< USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base * > GetGraphPropertyNodes(const FName & VariableName, const USMNodeInstance * TemplateMatch =nullptr, int32 Index =INDEX_NONE) const
const TMap< FGuid, TObjectPtr< UEdGraph > > & GetAllPropertyGraphs() const
const TMap< FGuid, TObjectPtr< USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base > > & GetAllPropertyGraphNodes() const
TArray< USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base * > GetAllPropertyGraphNodesAsArray(const USMNodeInstance * TemplateMatch =nullptr) const
void InitPropertyGraphNodes(UEdGraph * PropertyGraph, FSMGraphProperty_Base * Property)
void RefreshAllProperties(bool bModify, bool bSetFromPinFirst =true)
void RefreshPropertyByGuid(const FGuid & Guid, bool bModify, bool bSetFromPinFirst =true)
void ForceRecreateProperties()
void SetGraphPropertyDefaultsFromPins()
void SetPinsFromGraphProperties(bool bUseArchetype)
USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base * GetPropertyNodeUnderMouse() const
virtual UEdGraphPin * GetInputPin() const
virtual UEdGraphPin * GetOutputPin() const
UEdGraphNode * GetOutputNode() const
void GetAllOutputNodes(TArray< UEdGraphNode * > & OutNodes) const
void GetAllOutputNodesAs(TArray< T * > & OutNodes) const
virtual bool CanExistAtRuntime() const
FSMNode_Base * FindRuntimeNode() const
const FSMNode_Base * GetDebugNode() const
float GetDebugTime() const
bool ConvertToCurrentVersion(bool bOnlyOnLoad =true)
bool SetToCurrentVersion()
void ForceSetVersion(int32 NewVersion)
bool IsBeingPasted() const
bool IsPreCompiling() const
bool IsEditUndo() const
void RequestSlateRefresh(bool bFullRefresh =false)
virtual void ResetCachedValues()
void RecordDuplicatedNodeGuid(const FGuid & InGuid)
void NotifySwapPropertyGraphArrayElements(const FName & InPropertyName, int32 IndexA, int32 IndexB, USMNodeInstance * InNodeInstance)
void RunPreCompileValidateForNodeInstance(const USMNodeInstance * InNodeInstance, USMCompilerLog * InCompilerLog)

Protected Functions inherited from USMGraphNode_Base

void DestroyAllPropertyGraphs()
bool IsSafeToConditionallyCompile(EPropertyChangeType::Type ChangeType) const
const FLinearColor * GetCustomBackgroundColor(const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance =nullptr) const
void RemovePropertyGraph(USMPropertyGraph * PropertyGraph, bool RemoveFromMaps)
void HandlePropertyGraphArrayRemoval(TArray< FSMGraphProperty_Base * > & GraphProperties, TArray< TSharedPtr< FSMGraphProperty > > & TempGraphProperties, FProperty * TargetProperty, int32 RemovalIndex, int32 ArraySize, const FSMGraphProperty * OverrideGraphProperty, USMNodeInstance * Template)
void HandlePropertyGraphArrayInsertion(TArray< FSMGraphProperty_Base * > & GraphProperties, TArray< TSharedPtr< FSMGraphProperty > > & TempGraphProperties, FProperty * TargetProperty, int32 InsertionIndex, int32 ArraySize, const FSMGraphProperty * OverrideGraphProperty, USMNodeInstance * Template, bool bDuplicate =false)
void HandlePropertyGraphArraySwap(TArray< FSMGraphProperty_Base * > & GraphProperties, int32 IndexA, int32 IndexB, USMNodeInstance * Template)
void HandleOnPropertyChangedEvent(UObject * InObject, FPropertyChangedEvent & InPropertyChangedEvent)
int32 GetLoadedVersion() const

Public Attributes inherited from USMGraphNode_Base

Protected Attributes inherited from USMGraphNode_Base

bool bPostEditChangeConstructionRequiresFullRefresh
TArray< FSMGraphNodeLog > CollectedLogs
TObjectPtr< UEdGraph > BoundGraph
FVector2D NodePosition
TObjectPtr< USMNodeInstance > NodeInstanceTemplate
TMap< FGuid, TObjectPtr< UEdGraph > > GraphPropertyGraphs
TMap< FGuid, TObjectPtr< USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base > > GraphPropertyNodes
TMap< FGuid, TObjectPtr< USMNodeInstance > > GraphPropertyTemplates
TSet< FGuid > DuplicatedNodeGuids
TSharedPtr< FSlateBrush > CachedBrush
FString CachedTexture
FVector2D CachedTextureSize
FLinearColor CachedNodeTintColor
float DebugTotalTime
float MaxTimeToShowDebug
uint32 bIsDebugActive
uint32 bWasDebugActive
uint32 bIsPreCompiling
uint32 bJustPasted
uint32 bIsEditUndo
uint32 bCreatePropertyGraphsOnPropertyChange
uint32 bCreatePropertyGraphsSilently
uint32 bChangeFromRedirect

Friends inherited from USMGraphNode_Base

class SGraphNode_BaseNode

Public Functions inherited from ISMEditorGraphNodeInterface

virtual TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface > GetEditorGraphProperty(FName PropertyName, const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance, int32 ArrayIndex =0) const =0
virtual TArray< TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface > > GetEditorGraphPropertyAsArray(FName PropertyName, const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance, int32 ArrayIndex =-1) const =0
virtual TArray< TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface > > GetAllEditorGraphProperties(const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance) const =0
virtual USMNodeInstance * AddStackNode(TSubclassOf< USMNodeInstance > NodeClass, int32 StackIndex =INDEX_NONE) =0
virtual void RemoveStackNode(int32 StackIndex =INDEX_NONE) =0
virtual void ClearStackNodes() =0
virtual FString GetNodeName() const =0
virtual bool SetNodeName(const FString & NewName, FText & OutErrorMessage) =0
virtual TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphNode_StateBaseInterface > AsStateBaseInterface() =0

Public Functions Documentation

function SetRuntimeDefaults

void SetRuntimeDefaults(
    FSMTransition & Transition
) const

Copy configuration settings to the runtime node.

function CopyFrom

void CopyFrom(
    const USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge & Transition

Copy configurable settings from another transition node.

function GetRuntimeNode

FSMTransition * GetRuntimeNode() const

Find the FSMTransition used to set defaults.

function AllocateDefaultPins

virtual void AllocateDefaultPins() override

function GetNodeTitle

virtual FText GetNodeTitle(
    ENodeTitleType::Type TitleType
) const override

function PinConnectionListChanged

virtual void PinConnectionListChanged(
    UEdGraphPin * Pin
) override

function PostPlacedNewNode

virtual void PostPlacedNewNode() override

function PrepareForCopying

virtual void PrepareForCopying() override

function PostPasteNode

virtual void PostPasteNode() override

function PostEditChangeProperty

virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(
    FPropertyChangedEvent & PropertyChangedEvent
) override

function PostEditChangeChainProperty

virtual void PostEditChangeChainProperty(
    FPropertyChangedChainEvent & PropertyChangedEvent
) override

function PostEditUndo

virtual void PostEditUndo() override

function DestroyNode

virtual void DestroyNode() override

function CanDuplicateNode

inline virtual bool CanDuplicateNode() const override

function ReconstructNode

virtual void ReconstructNode() override

function GetJumpTargetForDoubleClick

virtual UObject * GetJumpTargetForDoubleClick() const override

function GetIconAndTint

virtual FSlateIcon GetIconAndTint(
    FLinearColor & OutColor
) const override

function ResetDebugState

virtual void ResetDebugState() override

function UpdateTime

virtual void UpdateTime(
    float DeltaTime
) override

function ImportDeprecatedProperties

virtual void ImportDeprecatedProperties() override

function PlaceDefaultInstanceNodes

virtual void PlaceDefaultInstanceNodes() override

function GetFriendlyNodeName

inline virtual FName GetFriendlyNodeName() const override

function GetBackgroundColor

virtual FLinearColor GetBackgroundColor() const override

function GetActiveBackgroundColor

virtual FLinearColor GetActiveBackgroundColor() const override

function GetNodeClassPropertyName

inline virtual FName GetNodeClassPropertyName() const override

function GetNodeStackPropertyName

inline virtual FName GetNodeStackPropertyName() override

function GetNodeStackElementClassPropertyName

inline virtual FName GetNodeStackElementClassPropertyName() const override

function GetNodeClass

inline virtual UClass * GetNodeClass() const override

function SetNodeClass

virtual void SetNodeClass(
    UClass * Class
) override

function SupportsPropertyGraphs

inline virtual bool SupportsPropertyGraphs() const override

function GetMaxDebugTime

virtual float GetMaxDebugTime() const override

function IsDebugNodeActive

virtual bool IsDebugNodeActive() const override

function WasDebugNodeActive

virtual bool WasDebugNodeActive() const override

function PreCompile

virtual void PreCompile(
    FSMKismetCompilerContext & CompilerContext
) override

function PreCompileNodeInstanceValidation

virtual void PreCompileNodeInstanceValidation(
    FCompilerResultsLog & CompilerContext,
    USMCompilerLog * CompilerLog,
    USMGraphNode_Base * OwningNode
) override

function OnCompile

virtual void OnCompile(
    FSMKismetCompilerContext & CompilerContext
) override

function AreTemplatesFullyLoaded

virtual bool AreTemplatesFullyLoaded() const override

function CanRunConstructionScripts

virtual bool CanRunConstructionScripts() const override

function DoesNodePossiblyHaveConstructionScripts

virtual bool DoesNodePossiblyHaveConstructionScripts() const override

function RunAllConstructionScripts_Internal

virtual void RunAllConstructionScripts_Internal() override

function RestoreArchetypeValuesPriorToConstruction

virtual void RestoreArchetypeValuesPriorToConstruction() override

function GetNodeIcon

virtual const FSlateBrush * GetNodeIcon() const override

function OnBoundGraphRenamed

virtual void OnBoundGraphRenamed(
    UObject * OldOuter,
    const FName OldName
) override

function GetAllowedDuplicateNodeNameTypes

virtual TArray< TSubclassOf< USMGraphNode_Base > > GetAllowedDuplicateNodeNameTypes() const override

function ResetNodeName

virtual void ResetNodeName() override

function GetTransitionColor

FLinearColor GetTransitionColor(
    bool bIsHovered
) const

Return the color to use for the transition.

function GetTransitionIcon

const FSlateBrush * GetTransitionIcon(
    int32 InIndex

Return the correct icon for the transition or transition stack.


The icon to retrieve. < 0 for base transition, 0+ for the transition stack.

function IsUsingCustomName

inline bool IsUsingCustomName() const

If this transition is using a custom name instead of the default name.

function GetSelectedDelegateOwnerClass

UClass * GetSelectedDelegateOwnerClass() const

function GoToTransitionEventNode

void GoToTransitionEventNode()

function InitTransitionDelegate

void InitTransitionDelegate()

function GetTransitionName

FString GetTransitionName() const

Return the correct transition name to use, which may be either the default name or a custom name.

function GetDefaultTransitionName

FString GetDefaultTransitionName() const

Return the automatic transition name of "StateA to StateB."

function CreateConnections

void CreateConnections(
    USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase * Start,
    USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase * End

function PossibleToTransition

bool PossibleToTransition() const

Checks if there is any possibility of transitioning.

function GetTransitionGraph

USMTransitionGraph * GetTransitionGraph() const

function GetFromState

USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase * GetFromState(
    bool bIncludeReroute =false
) const

function GetToState

USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase * GetToState(
    bool bIncludeReroute =false
) const

function GetPreviousRerouteNode

USMGraphNode_RerouteNode * GetPreviousRerouteNode() const

function GetNextRerouteNode

USMGraphNode_RerouteNode * GetNextRerouteNode() const

function GetPrimaryReroutedTransition

USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * GetPrimaryReroutedTransition()

Return the primary transition (first) in a reroute chain. May be this transition.

function GetFirstReroutedTransition

USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * GetFirstReroutedTransition()

Return the first transition in a reroute chain.

function GetLastReroutedTransition

USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * GetLastReroutedTransition()

Return the last transition in a reroute chain.

function IsPrimaryReroutedTransition

bool IsPrimaryReroutedTransition() const

If this transition is the primary rerouted transition.

function IsConnectedToRerouteNode

bool IsConnectedToRerouteNode(
    const USMGraphNode_RerouteNode * RerouteNode

Check if a specific reroute node is contained in the route.

function GetAllReroutedTransitions

void GetAllReroutedTransitions(
    TArray< USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * > & OutTransitions,
    TArray< USMGraphNode_RerouteNode * > & OutRerouteNodes

Return all transitions and reroute nodes, both before, after, and including this transition.

function GetAllReroutedTransitions

void GetAllReroutedTransitions(
    TArray< USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * > & OutTransitions

Return all transitions, both before, after, and including this transition.

function UpdatePrimaryTransition

void UpdatePrimaryTransition(
    bool bCopySettingsFromPrimary =true

Find the primary transition and make sure it's at the first available transition.

function DestroyReroutedTransitions

void DestroyReroutedTransitions()

Destroys rerouted transitions, but not this transition.

function ShouldRunParallel

bool ShouldRunParallel() const

function WasEvaluating

bool WasEvaluating() const

function IsHovered

inline bool IsHovered() const

function IsFromAnyState

bool IsFromAnyState() const

If the previous state is an Any State.

function IsFromLinkState

bool IsFromLinkState() const

If the previous state is a Link State.

function IsFromRerouteNode

bool IsFromRerouteNode() const

If the previous node is a reroute node.

function IsRerouted

inline bool IsRerouted() const

If the transition is from or to a reroute node.

function GetLinearExpressionPin

UEdGraphPin * GetLinearExpressionPin() const

Return the best pin to use for linear expression display.

function GetAllNodeStackTemplates

const TArray< FTransitionStackContainer > & GetAllNodeStackTemplates() const

Transition Stack.

Return all transition stack templates.

function GetIndexOfTemplate

virtual int32 GetIndexOfTemplate(
    const FGuid & TemplateGuid
) const override

Retrieve the array index from the template guid.

Return: the array index or INDEX_NONE if not found.

function GetAllNodeTemplates

virtual void GetAllNodeTemplates(
    TArray< USMNodeInstance * > & OutNodeInstances
) const override

function GetTemplateFromIndex

virtual USMNodeInstance * GetTemplateFromIndex(
    int32 Index
) const override

Retrieve the template instance from an index.

Return: the NodeInstance template.

function GetTemplateFromGuid

USMNodeInstance * GetTemplateFromGuid(
    const FGuid & TemplateGuid
) const

Retrieve the template instance from a template guid.

Return: the NodeInstance template.

function GetHoveredStackTemplate

USMNodeInstance * GetHoveredStackTemplate() const

Return the user hovered stack template, or nullptr.

function ClearCachedHoveredStackTemplate

inline void ClearCachedHoveredStackTemplate() const

Clear the cached template.

function InitTransitionStack

void InitTransitionStack()

function DestroyTransitionStack

void DestroyTransitionStack()

function HasValidTransitionStack

bool HasValidTransitionStack() const

Checks if there is at least one valid transition stack element.

function FormatGraphForStackNodes

void FormatGraphForStackNodes()

Place transition stack nodes into the local graph.

Protected Functions Documentation

function OnConvertToCurrentVersion

virtual void OnConvertToCurrentVersion(
    bool bOnlyOnLoad
) override

function CreateBoundGraph

void CreateBoundGraph()

function DuplicateBoundGraph

void DuplicateBoundGraph()

function SetBoundGraph

void SetBoundGraph(
    UEdGraph * Graph

function SetupDelegateDefaults

void SetupDelegateDefaults()

function RefreshTransitionDelegate

void RefreshTransitionDelegate()

function UpdateTransitionDelegateGuid

void UpdateTransitionDelegateGuid()

Record the guid.

function UpdateResultNodeEventSettings

void UpdateResultNodeEventSettings()

Update all applicable transition result nodes with the event settings of this node.

function AddNewStackInstanceNodes

void AddNewStackInstanceNodes()

Add any transition stack instance nodes not already present.

function RemoveUnusedStackInstanceNodes

void RemoveUnusedStackInstanceNodes()

Check for and remove any GetStackNodeInstance nodes that aren't used.

function Internal_GetBackgroundColor

virtual FLinearColor Internal_GetBackgroundColor() const override

End Transition Stack.

function SetDefaultsWhenPlaced

void SetDefaultsWhenPlaced()

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable bWasEvaluating

bool bWasEvaluating;

Private Attributes Documentation

variable TransitionClass

TSubclassOf< USMTransitionInstance > TransitionClass;

Select a custom node class to use for this node. This can be a blueprint or C++ class.

variable DelegateOwnerInstance

TEnumAsByte< ESMDelegateOwner > DelegateOwnerInstance;

The instance which owns the delegate the transition should bind to.

variable DelegateOwnerClass

TSubclassOf< UObject > DelegateOwnerClass;

The class of the instance containing the delegate.

variable DelegatePropertyGuid

FGuid DelegatePropertyGuid;

The guid assigned to this property if one exists.

variable DelegatePropertyName

FName DelegatePropertyName;

Available delegates.

variable bEventTriggersTargetedUpdate

uint8 bEventTriggersTargetedUpdate;

If the event should trigger a targeted update of the state machine limited to this transition and destination state.

This can efficiently allow state machines with tick disabled to update. This won't evaluate parallel or super state transitions.

This setting can also be changed on each Event Trigger Result Node.

variable bEventTriggersFullUpdate

uint8 bEventTriggersFullUpdate;

If the event should trigger a full update of the state machine. Setting this will be applied after 'Targeted Update'. A full update consists of evaluating transitions top down from the root state machine, as well as running OnStateUpdate if necessary.

This is a legacy setting. To maintain old legacy behavior enable this setting and disable 'Targeted Update'.

This setting can also be changed on each Event Trigger Result Node.

variable bCanEvaluate_DEPRECATED

uint8 bCanEvaluate_DEPRECATED;


Set on the node template instead.

variable bCanEvaluateFromEvent_DEPRECATED

uint8 bCanEvaluateFromEvent_DEPRECATED;


Set on the node template instead.

variable bCanEvalWithStartState_DEPRECATED

uint8 bCanEvalWithStartState_DEPRECATED;


Set on the node template instead.

variable bAutoFormatGraph

uint8 bAutoFormatGraph;

Auto format the local graph and generate an expression for conditional evaluation. This will physically add or remove blueprint operator nodes to the local graph.

For more complex expressions generate the initial graph using the transition stack, uncheck Auto Format Graph, and update the blueprint operator nodes in the local graph.

This is ideal for quick prototyping or areas where performance isn't critical, but for optimal memory usage and performance use a single transition class instead. Even with pure C++ transition classes any operator nodes in the local graph will require blueprint graph evaluation.

variable bNOTPrimaryCondition

uint8 bNOTPrimaryCondition;

NOT the primary node instance or condition. No impact if only using pin defaults. Requires bAutoFormatGraph set.

variable TransitionStack

TArray< FTransitionStackContainer > TransitionStack;

Add additional transition classes so simple expressions can be used to determine if the transition should pass. Requires bAutoFormatGraph.

variable PriorityOrder_DEPRECATED

int32 PriorityOrder_DEPRECATED;


Set on the node template instead.

variable AutoGeneratedStackNodes

TArray< TObjectPtr< UEdGraphNode > > AutoGeneratedStackNodes;

Auto added nodes for the transition stack.

variable InitialOperatorNode

TObjectPtr< UK2Node_CommutativeAssociativeBinaryOperator > InitialOperatorNode;

The initial auto generated operator. Tracked so pin 0 can be used for reconnecting user entered pins when regenerating.

variable CachedHoveredTransitionStack

TObjectPtr< USMNodeInstance > CachedHoveredTransitionStack;

When the user is hovering a transition stack and has right clicked. Cached so the context menu knows what was hovered at time of right click.

variable LastHoverTimeStamp

FDateTime LastHoverTimeStamp;

variable TimeSinceHover

double TimeSinceHover;

variable bIsHoveredByUser

uint8 bIsHoveredByUser;

variable bFromAnyState

uint8 bFromAnyState;

variable bFromLinkState

uint8 bFromLinkState;

variable bChangingProperty

uint8 bChangingProperty;

variable bUsingCustomName

uint8 bUsingCustomName;


friend FSMKismetCompilerContext

friend class FSMKismetCompilerContext(

friend FSMGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy

friend class FSMGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy(