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Module: SMSystemEditor

#include <SMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base.h>

Inherits from USMGraphK2Node_RuntimeNodeReference, ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface


class USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base;

Pure root reference nodes that are placed within a property graph returning a value. USMGraphNode_Base -> K2 BoundGraph -> Property Graph -> Property Node (this) Slate Node for USMGraphNode_Base -> this->GetGraphNodeWidget Details Panel for USMGraphNode_Base -> this->GetGraphDetailWidget

Public Classes

struct FHighlightArgs
struct FNotifyArgs

Public Functions

virtual ~USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base() override
virtual bool IsNodePure() const override
virtual FText GetNodeTitle(ENodeTitleType::Type TitleType) const override
virtual FText GetTooltipText() const override
virtual void PostPlacedNewNode() override
virtual void ReconstructNode() override
virtual void PinDefaultValueChanged(UEdGraphPin * Pin) override
virtual void NotifyPinConnectionListChanged(UEdGraphPin * Pin) override
virtual bool IsConnectionDisallowed(const UEdGraphPin * MyPin, const UEdGraphPin * OtherPin, FString & OutReason) const override
virtual bool HasExternalDependencies(TArray< UStruct * > * OptionalOutput) const override
virtual bool CanCollapseNode() const override
virtual void AddPinSearchMetaDataInfo(const UEdGraphPin * Pin, TArray< FSearchTagDataPair > & OutTaggedMetaData) const override
virtual FString GetPinMetaData(FName InPinName, FName InKey) override
virtual void PreConsolidatedEventGraphValidate(FCompilerResultsLog & MessageLog) override
virtual void SetHighlight(bool bEnable, FLinearColor Color, bool bClearOnCompile) override
virtual void SetNotification(bool bEnable, ESMLogType Severity, const FString & Message, bool bClearOnCompile) override
virtual void SetNotificationAndHighlight(bool bEnable, ESMLogType Severity, const FString & Message, bool bClearOnCompile) override
virtual void ResetProperty() override
virtual void RefreshPropertyPinFromValue() override
virtual void RefreshPropertyValueFromPin() override
virtual void PreCompileBeforeConstructionScripts(FSMKismetCompilerContext & CompilerContext)
virtual void PreCompile(FSMKismetCompilerContext & CompilerContext)
FProperty * GetProperty() const
USMPropertyGraph * GetPropertyGraph() const
virtual void ConfigureRuntimePropertyNode()
virtual FSMGraphProperty_Base_Runtime * GetRuntimePropertyNode()
FSMGraphProperty_Base_Runtime * GetRuntimePropertyNodeChecked()
virtual FSMGraphProperty_Base * GetPropertyNode()
FSMGraphProperty_Base * GetPropertyNodeChecked()
FSMGraphProperty_Base * GetPropertyNodeConst() const
FSMGraphProperty_Base * GetPropertyNodeConstChecked() const
virtual void SetPropertyNode(FSMGraphProperty_Base * NewNode)
virtual void SetPropertyDefaultsFromPin()
virtual void SetPinValueFromPropertyDefaults(bool bUpdateTemplateDefaults, bool bUseArchetype, bool bForce =false)
UScriptStruct * GetRuntimePropertyNodeType() const
FStructProperty * GetRuntimePropertyNodeProperty() const
FStructProperty * GetPropertyNodeProperty(bool bRuntimeOnly) const
USMNodeInstance * GetOwningTemplate() const
USMNodeBlueprint * GetTemplateBlueprint() const
UEdGraph * GetOwningGraph() const
USMGraphNode_Base * GetOwningGraphNode() const
USMGraphNode_Base * GetOwningGraphNodeChecked() const
void JumpToPropertyGraph()
void JumpToTemplateBlueprint()
virtual TSharedPtr< class SSMGraphProperty_Base > GetGraphNodeWidget() const
virtual TSharedPtr< SWidget > GetGraphDetailWidget() const
virtual TSharedPtr< SWidget > GetViewGraphDetailWidget() const
virtual TSharedPtr< SWidget > GetToggleEditGraphDetailWidget() const
void GetContextMenuActionsForOwningNode(const UEdGraph * CurrentGraph, const UEdGraphNode * InGraphNode, const UEdGraphPin * InGraphPin, class UToolMenu * ToolMenu, bool bIsDebugging) const
virtual bool IsConsideredForDefaultProperty() const
virtual void DefaultPropertyActionWhenPlaced(TSharedPtr< SWidget > Widget)
virtual UEdGraphPin * GetResultPin() const
UEdGraphPin * GetResultPinChecked() const
virtual bool DoesResultPinHaveConnections() const
virtual bool IsValueSetToDefault() const
bool HasDefaultValueExplicitlyBeenChanged() const
bool IsValueModifiedOrWired() const
const FString & GetLastAutoGeneratedDefaultValue() const
void SetHighlightedArgs(const FHighlightArgs & InHighlightArgs)
const FHighlightArgs & GetHighlightArgs() const
void SetNotificationArgs(const FNotifyArgs & InNotifyArgs)
const FNotifyArgs & GetNotifyArgs() const
void ForceVisualRefresh() const
void ConformLocalizationPackage(const FEdGraphPinType & PinType, FString & InOutTextString, const FText & DefaultTextValue, const UObject * Package)

Protected Functions

void AddSharedPinSearchMetaDataInfo(TArray< FSearchTagDataPair > & OutTaggedMetaData) const
virtual void Internal_GetContextMenuActionsForOwningNode(const UEdGraph * CurrentGraph, const UEdGraphNode * InGraphNode, const UEdGraphPin * InGraphPin, FToolMenuSection & MenuSection, bool bIsDebugging) const

Public Attributes

TObjectPtr< USMGraphNode_Base > OwningGraphNode
bool bMouseOverNodeProperty
FForceVisualRefresh ForceVisualRefreshEvent

Protected Attributes

FHighlightArgs HighlightArgs
FNotifyArgs NotifyArgs
FString LastAutoGeneratedDefaultValue
uint8 bDefaultValueChanged
uint8 bGeneratedDefaultValueBeingSet
uint8 bSettingPropertyDefaultsFromPin
uint8 bResettingProperty

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface

FLinearColor GetHighlightColorFromSeverity(const ESMLogType InSeverity)

Public Functions Documentation

function ~USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base

virtual ~USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base() override

function IsNodePure

inline virtual bool IsNodePure() const override

function GetNodeTitle

virtual FText GetNodeTitle(
    ENodeTitleType::Type TitleType
) const override

function GetTooltipText

virtual FText GetTooltipText() const override

function PostPlacedNewNode

virtual void PostPlacedNewNode() override

function ReconstructNode

virtual void ReconstructNode() override

function PinDefaultValueChanged

virtual void PinDefaultValueChanged(
    UEdGraphPin * Pin
) override

function NotifyPinConnectionListChanged

virtual void NotifyPinConnectionListChanged(
    UEdGraphPin * Pin
) override

function IsConnectionDisallowed

virtual bool IsConnectionDisallowed(
    const UEdGraphPin * MyPin,
    const UEdGraphPin * OtherPin,
    FString & OutReason
) const override

function HasExternalDependencies

virtual bool HasExternalDependencies(
    TArray< UStruct * > * OptionalOutput
) const override

function CanCollapseNode

inline virtual bool CanCollapseNode() const override

function AddPinSearchMetaDataInfo

virtual void AddPinSearchMetaDataInfo(
    const UEdGraphPin * Pin,
    TArray< FSearchTagDataPair > & OutTaggedMetaData
) const override

function GetPinMetaData

virtual FString GetPinMetaData(
    FName InPinName,
    FName InKey
) override

function PreConsolidatedEventGraphValidate

virtual void PreConsolidatedEventGraphValidate(
    FCompilerResultsLog & MessageLog
) override

function SetHighlight

virtual void SetHighlight(
    bool bEnable,
    FLinearColor Color,
    bool bClearOnCompile
) override

Highlight a property on the owning graph node.


Enable or disable the highlight.
The color of the highlight.
If the highlight should clear when the owning state machine blueprint is compiled.

Reimplements: ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface::SetHighlight

function SetNotification

virtual void SetNotification(
    bool bEnable,
    ESMLogType Severity,
    const FString & Message,
    bool bClearOnCompile
) override

Show a notification icon on the property.


Show or hide the notification.
The severity of the log type.
The tooltip to display when hovering the icon.
If the notification should clear when the owning state machine blueprint is compiled.

Reimplements: ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface::SetNotification

function SetNotificationAndHighlight

virtual void SetNotificationAndHighlight(
    bool bEnable,
    ESMLogType Severity,
    const FString & Message,
    bool bClearOnCompile
) override

Show a notification icon and highlight the property based on the severity.


Show or hide the notification and highlight.
The severity of the log type.
The tooltip to display when hovering the icon.
If the notification and highlight should clear when the owning state machine blueprint is compiled.

Reimplements: ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface::SetNotificationAndHighlight

function ResetProperty

virtual void ResetProperty() override

Reset the property back to the class defaults, completely resetting the graph.

Reimplements: ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface::ResetProperty

function RefreshPropertyPinFromValue

virtual void RefreshPropertyPinFromValue() override

Refresh an exposed property's blueprint pin on the UEdGraphNode from the property's current value. This can be used if you programmatically update an exposed property outside of editor construction scripts such as through PostEditChangeProperty and want that value reflected on the node.


This should NOT be called during editor construction scripts as they will automatically refresh property pins.

Reimplements: ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface::RefreshPropertyPinFromValue

function RefreshPropertyValueFromPin

virtual void RefreshPropertyValueFromPin() override

Refresh an exposed property value from the matching pin on the UEdGraphNode. This can be used if you need to make sure the current value in C++ matches what is entered into the blueprint pin.


This should NOT be called during editor construction scripts as they will automatically refresh property values.

Reimplements: ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface::RefreshPropertyValueFromPin

function PreCompileBeforeConstructionScripts

virtual void PreCompileBeforeConstructionScripts(
    FSMKismetCompilerContext & CompilerContext

Called during pre-compile before construction scripts have run.

function PreCompile

inline virtual void PreCompile(
    FSMKismetCompilerContext & CompilerContext

Called during pre compile by the owning state machine graph node.

function GetProperty

FProperty * GetProperty() const

Return the FProperty this node represents.

function GetPropertyGraph

USMPropertyGraph * GetPropertyGraph() const

Retrieve the property graph where this property node is located.

function ConfigureRuntimePropertyNode

inline virtual void ConfigureRuntimePropertyNode()

Allow runtime properties to set their values from their editor counterparts.

function GetRuntimePropertyNode

inline virtual FSMGraphProperty_Base_Runtime * GetRuntimePropertyNode()

Get the runtime graph property.

function GetRuntimePropertyNodeChecked

inline FSMGraphProperty_Base_Runtime * GetRuntimePropertyNodeChecked()

function GetPropertyNode

inline virtual FSMGraphProperty_Base * GetPropertyNode()

Get the editor property node.

function GetPropertyNodeChecked

inline FSMGraphProperty_Base * GetPropertyNodeChecked()

Get the editor graph property.

function GetPropertyNodeConst

inline FSMGraphProperty_Base * GetPropertyNodeConst() const

function GetPropertyNodeConstChecked

inline FSMGraphProperty_Base * GetPropertyNodeConstChecked() const

function SetPropertyNode

inline virtual void SetPropertyNode(
    FSMGraphProperty_Base * NewNode

Sets the new node. Useful for refreshing the node with updated values from a template.

function SetPropertyDefaultsFromPin

virtual void SetPropertyDefaultsFromPin()

Sets the property on the node template to match this pin.

function SetPinValueFromPropertyDefaults

virtual void SetPinValueFromPropertyDefaults(
    bool bUpdateTemplateDefaults,
    bool bUseArchetype,
    bool bForce =false

Sets the pin default value from the property value.

This method was originally written to reset the pin to the node instance CDO value but has since grown to handle the current node instance value that could be changed programatically.


Potentially calls SetPropertyDefaultsFromPin instead, should not be used.
Use the node instance CDO to read values instead of the current instance.
Forces a change through even if the current value matches defaults.

function GetRuntimePropertyNodeType

UScriptStruct * GetRuntimePropertyNodeType() const

Get the runtime graph property type.

function GetRuntimePropertyNodeProperty

FStructProperty * GetRuntimePropertyNodeProperty() const

Get the runtime graph property as a FStructProperty.

function GetPropertyNodeProperty

FStructProperty * GetPropertyNodeProperty(
    bool bRuntimeOnly
) const

Return either a runtime property node only or an editor property node.

function GetOwningTemplate

USMNodeInstance * GetOwningTemplate() const

The template which owns this property.

function GetTemplateBlueprint

USMNodeBlueprint * GetTemplateBlueprint() const

The blueprint of the template owning this property.

function GetOwningGraph

UEdGraph * GetOwningGraph() const

The property graph containing this property node.

function GetOwningGraphNode

USMGraphNode_Base * GetOwningGraphNode() const

The state machine graph node which owns this property.

function GetOwningGraphNodeChecked

USMGraphNode_Base * GetOwningGraphNodeChecked() const

function JumpToPropertyGraph

void JumpToPropertyGraph()

Open the property graph for this node. Should be the containing graph.

function JumpToTemplateBlueprint

void JumpToTemplateBlueprint()

function GetGraphNodeWidget

virtual TSharedPtr< class SSMGraphProperty_Base > GetGraphNodeWidget() const

Get the widget to represent this property node within a state machine graph node.

function GetGraphDetailWidget

virtual TSharedPtr< SWidget > GetGraphDetailWidget() const

Get the widget to represent the graph node in the details panel.

function GetViewGraphDetailWidget

virtual TSharedPtr< SWidget > GetViewGraphDetailWidget() const

Widget used to go to the graph.

function GetToggleEditGraphDetailWidget

virtual TSharedPtr< SWidget > GetToggleEditGraphDetailWidget() const

Widget used to toggled edit mode of the graph.

function GetContextMenuActionsForOwningNode

void GetContextMenuActionsForOwningNode(
    const UEdGraph * CurrentGraph,
    const UEdGraphNode * InGraphNode,
    const UEdGraphPin * InGraphPin,
    class UToolMenu * ToolMenu,
    bool bIsDebugging
) const

This forwards up context menu actions when the owning state machine graph node is right clicked on over this property.

function IsConsideredForDefaultProperty

inline virtual bool IsConsideredForDefaultProperty() const

If the sgraphnode doesn't have a default name field then this property may be used as the default property to edit.

function DefaultPropertyActionWhenPlaced

inline virtual void DefaultPropertyActionWhenPlaced(
    TSharedPtr< SWidget > Widget

If the sgraphnode chooses this property as the default it will pass the already constructed widget in (should be the same type as GetGraphDetailWidget()) so it can be used for a default action – such as automatically editing text.

function GetResultPin

virtual UEdGraphPin * GetResultPin() const

Locates the result pin if one exists.

function GetResultPinChecked

inline UEdGraphPin * GetResultPinChecked() const

function DoesResultPinHaveConnections

virtual bool DoesResultPinHaveConnections() const

Checks if the result pin has a connection going to it, making this a variable connection rather than a defaults setter.

function IsValueSetToDefault

virtual bool IsValueSetToDefault() const

Checks if this instance matches the CDO default value.

function HasDefaultValueExplicitlyBeenChanged

inline bool HasDefaultValueExplicitlyBeenChanged() const

Return bDefaultValueChanged which is true once any change has occurred.

function IsValueModifiedOrWired

bool IsValueModifiedOrWired() const

Checks if the value has changed from the default or if a variable is wired to it.

function GetLastAutoGeneratedDefaultValue

inline const FString & GetLastAutoGeneratedDefaultValue() const

The last exported property text value.

function SetHighlightedArgs

void SetHighlightedArgs(
    const FHighlightArgs & InHighlightArgs

Set if the node should be highlighted.

function GetHighlightArgs

inline const FHighlightArgs & GetHighlightArgs() const

Return the current args used for highlighting.

function SetNotificationArgs

void SetNotificationArgs(
    const FNotifyArgs & InNotifyArgs

Set if the node should display a notification.

function GetNotifyArgs

inline const FNotifyArgs & GetNotifyArgs() const

Return the current args used for notification info.



function ForceVisualRefresh

inline void ForceVisualRefresh() const

function ConformLocalizationPackage

static void ConformLocalizationPackage(
    const FEdGraphPinType & PinType,
    FString & InOutTextString,
    const FText & DefaultTextValue,
    const UObject * Package

For correcting the package and namespace on newly placed text properties. Based on EdGraphSchema_K2.cpp.

Protected Functions Documentation

function AddSharedPinSearchMetaDataInfo

void AddSharedPinSearchMetaDataInfo(
    TArray< FSearchTagDataPair > & OutTaggedMetaData
) const

Add shared pin search meta between properties. Children should call this if they overload AddPinSearchMetaDataInfo.

function Internal_GetContextMenuActionsForOwningNode

virtual void Internal_GetContextMenuActionsForOwningNode(
    const UEdGraph * CurrentGraph,
    const UEdGraphNode * InGraphNode,
    const UEdGraphPin * InGraphPin,
    FToolMenuSection & MenuSection,
    bool bIsDebugging
) const

Public Attributes Documentation

variable OwningGraphNode

TObjectPtr< USMGraphNode_Base > OwningGraphNode;

variable bMouseOverNodeProperty

bool bMouseOverNodeProperty;

Set from slate widget representing this property. Used to help determine if the context menu creation should forward creation to this node as well.


There has to be a better way of tracing the cursor to a widget.

variable ForceVisualRefreshEvent

FForceVisualRefresh ForceVisualRefreshEvent;

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable HighlightArgs

FHighlightArgs HighlightArgs;

Used to determine if the property should be highlighted in slate.

variable NotifyArgs

FNotifyArgs NotifyArgs;

Used to determine if a property should have a notification icon and message.

variable LastAutoGeneratedDefaultValue

FString LastAutoGeneratedDefaultValue;

The last default autogenerated value. The pin value resets to this if the default value hasn't changed.

variable bDefaultValueChanged

uint8 bDefaultValueChanged;

True once the user has changed the default value. It cannot become false again unless through Undo or Property Reset.

variable bGeneratedDefaultValueBeingSet

uint8 bGeneratedDefaultValueBeingSet;

True only while setting default pin value from the property.

variable bSettingPropertyDefaultsFromPin

uint8 bSettingPropertyDefaultsFromPin;

True only while setting default property values from the pin.

variable bResettingProperty

uint8 bResettingProperty;

True only during a property reset.