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Module: SMSystem

#include <SMNodeRules.h>

Inherits from FSMConnectionValidator


struct FSMStateMachineNodePlacementValidator;

Describe under what conditions nodes are allowed to be placed.

Public Functions

bool IsStateAllowed(const TSoftClassPtr< USMNodeInstance > & StateClass) const
bool IsTransitionAllowed(const TSoftClassPtr< USMNodeInstance > & TransitionClass) const

Public Attributes

TArray< FSMStateClassRule > AllowedStates
TArray< FSMTransitionClassRule > AllowedTransitions
bool bAllowReferences
bool bAllowParents
bool bAllowSubStateMachines
TSoftClassPtr< USMStateMachineInstance > DefaultSubStateMachineClass

Public Functions Documentation

function FSMStateMachineNodePlacementValidator


function IsStateAllowed

bool IsStateAllowed(
    const TSoftClassPtr< USMNodeInstance > & StateClass
) const

Checks if this state can be placed in this state machine.

function IsTransitionAllowed

bool IsTransitionAllowed(
    const TSoftClassPtr< USMNodeInstance > & TransitionClass
) const

Checks if this transition can be placed in this state machine.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable AllowedStates

TArray< FSMStateClassRule > AllowedStates;

States that can be placed in this state machine. This restricts which items show up in the graph context menu and node class drop down. None implies all are allowed.

variable AllowedTransitions

TArray< FSMTransitionClassRule > AllowedTransitions;

Transitions that can be placed in this state machine. This restricts which items show up in the node class drop down. None implies all are allowed.

variable bAllowReferences

bool bAllowReferences;

Restricts the placement of state machine references within this state machine.

variable bAllowParents

bool bAllowParents;

Restricts the placement of state machine parents within this state machine.

variable bAllowSubStateMachines

bool bAllowSubStateMachines;

Allow sub state machines to be added or collapsed.

variable DefaultSubStateMachineClass

TSoftClassPtr< USMStateMachineInstance > DefaultSubStateMachineClass;

The default state machine class to assign when adding or collapsing a state machine.