Module: SMSystemEditor
#include <SMGraphNode_StateNode.h>
Inherits from USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase, USMGraphNode_Base, ISMEditorGraphNode_StateBaseInterface, UEdGraphNode, ISMEditorGraphNodeInterface
Regular state nodes which have K2 graphs.
Public Functions¶
Name | |
virtual void | PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent & PropertyChangedEvent) override |
virtual UObject * | GetJumpTargetForDoubleClick() const override |
virtual void | DestroyNode() override |
virtual FSlateIcon | GetIconAndTint(FLinearColor & OutColor) const override |
virtual void | PlaceDefaultInstanceNodes() override |
virtual FName | GetNodeClassPropertyName() const override |
virtual FName | GetNodeStackPropertyName() override |
virtual FName | GetNodeStackElementClassPropertyName() const override |
virtual UClass * | GetNodeClass() const override |
virtual void | SetNodeClass(UClass * Class) override |
virtual bool | SupportsPropertyGraphs() const override |
virtual FName | GetFriendlyNodeName() const override |
virtual const FSlateBrush * | GetNodeIcon() const override |
virtual void | InitTemplate() override |
virtual bool | AreTemplatesFullyLoaded() const override |
virtual bool | DoesNodePossiblyHaveConstructionScripts() const override |
virtual void | RunAllConstructionScripts_Internal() override |
virtual void | RestoreArchetypeValuesPriorToConstruction() override |
virtual void | PreCompileNodeInstanceValidation(FCompilerResultsLog & CompilerContext, USMCompilerLog * CompilerLog, USMGraphNode_Base * OwningNode) override |
virtual void | OnCompile(FSMKismetCompilerContext & CompilerContext) override |
virtual int32 | GetIndexOfTemplate(const FGuid & TemplateGuid) const override |
virtual void | GetAllNodeTemplates(TArray< USMNodeInstance * > & OutNodeInstances) const override |
virtual USMNodeInstance * | AddStackNode(TSubclassOf< USMNodeInstance > NodeClass, int32 StackIndex) override |
virtual void | RemoveStackNode(int32 StackIndex) override |
virtual void | ClearStackNodes() override |
const TArray< FStateStackContainer > & | GetAllNodeStackTemplates() const |
virtual USMNodeInstance * | GetTemplateFromIndex(int32 Index) const override |
void | InitStateStack() |
void | DestroyStateStack() |
Public Attributes¶
Name | |
TSubclassOf< USMStateInstance > | StateClass |
TArray< FStateStackContainer > | StateStack |
Additional inherited members¶
Public Functions inherited from USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase
Name | |
virtual void | AllocateDefaultPins() override |
virtual FText | GetNodeTitle(ENodeTitleType::Type TitleType) const override |
virtual bool | GetCanRenameNode() const override |
virtual void | OnRenameNode(const FString & NewName) override |
virtual void | AutowireNewNode(UEdGraphPin * FromPin) override |
virtual void | PostPlacedNewNode() override |
virtual void | PostPasteNode() override |
virtual void | PostEditChangeChainProperty(FPropertyChangedChainEvent & PropertyChangedEvent) override |
virtual void | PinConnectionListChanged(UEdGraphPin * Pin) override |
virtual void | ImportDeprecatedProperties() override |
virtual void | OnNodeMoved(const FVector2D & NewPosition) override |
virtual void | OnBoundGraphRenamed(UObject * OldOuter, const FName OldName) override |
virtual void | PreCompile(FSMKismetCompilerContext & CompilerContext) override |
virtual void | ResetNodeName() override |
virtual FGameplayTagContainer & | GetAnyStateTags() override |
virtual void | SetAnyStateTags(const FGameplayTagContainer & InAnyStateTags) override |
virtual void | SetRuntimeDefaults(FSMState_Base & State) const |
virtual FString | GetStateName() const |
virtual bool | IsEndState(bool bCheckAnyState =true) const |
virtual bool | HasInputConnections() const |
virtual bool | HasOutputConnections() const |
bool | ShouldDefaultTransitionsToParallel() const |
bool | ShouldExcludeFromAnyState() const |
bool | HasTransitionToNode(const UEdGraphNode * Node) const |
bool | HasTransitionFromNode(const UEdGraphNode * Node) const |
USMGraphNode_Base * | GetPreviousNode(int32 Index =0) const |
USMGraphNode_Base * | GetNextNode(int32 Index =0) const |
USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase * | GetPreviousState(int32 Index =0, bool bIncludeReroute =false, bool bIncludeEntryState =false) const |
USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase * | GetNextState(int32 Index =0, bool bIncludeReroute =false) const |
USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * | GetPreviousTransition(int32 Index =0) const |
USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * | GetNextTransition(int32 Index =0) const |
void | GetInputTransitions(TArray< USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * > & OutTransitions) const |
void | GetOutputTransitions(TArray< USMGraphNode_TransitionEdge * > & OutTransitions) const |
int32 | GetNumInputConnections() const |
int32 | GetNumOutputConnections() const |
UEdGraphPin * | GetConnectedEntryPin() const |
FLinearColor | GetBackgroundColorForNodeInstance(const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance) const |
const TSet< TObjectPtr< USMGraphNode_LinkStateNode > > & | GetLinkStates() const |
void | RemoveInvalidLinkStates() |
void | RefreshConnectedTransitions() |
Protected Functions inherited from USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase
Name | |
virtual FLinearColor | Internal_GetBackgroundColor() const override |
Friends inherited from USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase
Name | |
class | SGraphNode_StateNode |
class | USMGraphNode_LinkStateNode |
Public Functions inherited from USMGraphNode_Base
Name | |
virtual void | Serialize(FArchive & Ar) override |
virtual void | PostLoad() override |
virtual | ~USMGraphNode_Base() override |
virtual void | PostPasteNode() override |
virtual void | PostEditUndo() override |
virtual void | PostPlacedNewNode() override |
virtual TSharedPtr< INameValidatorInterface > | MakeNameValidator() const override |
virtual void | OnRenameNode(const FString & NewName) override |
virtual bool | CanJumpToDefinition() const override |
virtual void | JumpToDefinition() const override |
virtual bool | CanCreateUnderSpecifiedSchema(const UEdGraphSchema * Schema) const override |
virtual void | ReconstructNode() override |
virtual void | PinConnectionListChanged(UEdGraphPin * Pin) override |
virtual void | ValidateNodeDuringCompilation(FCompilerResultsLog & MessageLog) const override |
virtual TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface > | GetEditorGraphProperty(FName PropertyName, const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance, int32 ArrayIndex) const override |
virtual TArray< TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface > > | GetEditorGraphPropertyAsArray(FName PropertyName, const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance, int32 ArrayIndex) const override |
virtual TArray< TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface > > | GetAllEditorGraphProperties(const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance) const override |
virtual FString | GetNodeName() const override |
virtual bool | SetNodeName(const FString & NewName, FText & OutErrorMessage) override |
virtual void | ResetNodeName() override |
virtual TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphNode_StateBaseInterface > | AsStateBaseInterface() override |
virtual void | SetNodeName_Direct(const FString & InNewName) |
virtual void | PreCompile(FSMKismetCompilerContext & CompilerContext) |
virtual void | OnBoundGraphRenamed(UObject * OldOuter, const FName OldName) |
virtual void | ResetDebugState() |
virtual void | OnWidgetConstruct() |
virtual void | UpdateTime(float DeltaTime) |
virtual void | CheckSetErrorMessages() |
virtual void | ResetLogMessages() |
void | UpdateErrorMessageFromLogs() |
void | AddNodeLogMessage(const FSMGraphNodeLog & Message) |
bool | TryGetNodeLogMessage(FString & OutMessage, int32 & OutSeverity) const |
virtual void | OnNodeMoved(const FVector2D & NewPosition) |
void | SetReadOnlyNodePosition() |
virtual void | GoToLocalGraph() const |
virtual bool | CanGoToLocalGraph() const |
virtual TArray< TSubclassOf< USMGraphNode_Base > > | GetAllowedDuplicateNodeNameTypes() const |
virtual const FGuid & | GetCorrectNodeGuid(bool * bIsRunTimeGuid =nullptr) const |
virtual void | DestroyTemplate() |
void | RunAllConstructionScripts() |
virtual bool | CanRunConstructionScripts() const |
bool | IsRunningConstructionScripts() const |
UClass * | GetDefaultNodeClass() const |
bool | IsUsingDefaultNodeClass() const |
bool | IsNodeClassNative() const |
virtual bool | IsNodeFastPathEnabled() const |
virtual FName | GetNodeTemplatePropertyName() |
USMNodeInstance * | GetNodeTemplate() const |
USMNodeInstance * | GetNodeTemplateFromGuid(const FGuid & Guid) const |
T * | GetNodeTemplateAs(bool bCheck =false) const |
USMGraph * | GetOwningStateMachineGraph() const |
UEdGraph * | GetBoundGraph() const |
void | ClearBoundGraph() |
void | CreateGraphPropertyGraphs(bool bGenerateNewGuids =false) |
bool | CreateGraphPropertyGraphsForTemplate(USMNodeInstance * Template, bool bGenerateNewGuids, TSet< FGuid > & LiveGuidsInOut, bool bResetNonVariableGuids =false) |
void | RemoveGraphPropertyGraphsForTemplate(USMNodeInstance * Template) |
UEdGraph * | GetGraphPropertyGraph(const FGuid & Guid) const |
USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base * | GetGraphPropertyNode(const FGuid & Guid) const |
USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base * | GetGraphPropertyNode(const FName & VariableName, const USMNodeInstance * TemplateMatch =nullptr, int32 Index =INDEX_NONE) const |
TArray< USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base * > | GetGraphPropertyNodes(const FName & VariableName, const USMNodeInstance * TemplateMatch =nullptr, int32 Index =INDEX_NONE) const |
const TMap< FGuid, TObjectPtr< UEdGraph > > & | GetAllPropertyGraphs() const |
const TMap< FGuid, TObjectPtr< USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base > > & | GetAllPropertyGraphNodes() const |
TArray< USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base * > | GetAllPropertyGraphNodesAsArray(const USMNodeInstance * TemplateMatch =nullptr) const |
void | InitPropertyGraphNodes(UEdGraph * PropertyGraph, FSMGraphProperty_Base * Property) |
void | RefreshAllProperties(bool bModify, bool bSetFromPinFirst =true) |
void | RefreshPropertyByGuid(const FGuid & Guid, bool bModify, bool bSetFromPinFirst =true) |
void | ForceRecreateProperties() |
void | SetGraphPropertyDefaultsFromPins() |
void | SetPinsFromGraphProperties(bool bUseArchetype) |
USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base * | GetPropertyNodeUnderMouse() const |
virtual UEdGraphPin * | GetInputPin() const |
virtual UEdGraphPin * | GetOutputPin() const |
UEdGraphNode * | GetOutputNode() const |
void | GetAllOutputNodes(TArray< UEdGraphNode * > & OutNodes) const |
void | GetAllOutputNodesAs(TArray< T * > & OutNodes) const |
virtual FLinearColor | GetBackgroundColor() const |
virtual FLinearColor | GetActiveBackgroundColor() const |
virtual bool | CanExistAtRuntime() const |
FSMNode_Base * | FindRuntimeNode() const |
const FSMNode_Base * | GetDebugNode() const |
float | GetDebugTime() const |
virtual float | GetMaxDebugTime() const |
virtual bool | IsDebugNodeActive() const |
virtual bool | WasDebugNodeActive() const |
bool | ConvertToCurrentVersion(bool bOnlyOnLoad =true) |
bool | SetToCurrentVersion() |
void | ForceSetVersion(int32 NewVersion) |
virtual void | ImportDeprecatedProperties() |
bool | IsBeingPasted() const |
bool | IsPreCompiling() const |
bool | IsEditUndo() const |
void | RequestSlateRefresh(bool bFullRefresh =false) |
virtual void | ResetCachedValues() |
void | RecordDuplicatedNodeGuid(const FGuid & InGuid) |
void | NotifySwapPropertyGraphArrayElements(const FName & InPropertyName, int32 IndexA, int32 IndexB, USMNodeInstance * InNodeInstance) |
void | RunPreCompileValidateForNodeInstance(const USMNodeInstance * InNodeInstance, USMCompilerLog * InCompilerLog) |
Protected Functions inherited from USMGraphNode_Base
Name | |
void | DestroyAllPropertyGraphs() |
bool | IsSafeToConditionallyCompile(EPropertyChangeType::Type ChangeType) const |
virtual void | OnConvertToCurrentVersion(bool bOnlyOnLoad) |
virtual FLinearColor | Internal_GetBackgroundColor() const |
const FLinearColor * | GetCustomBackgroundColor(const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance =nullptr) const |
void | RemovePropertyGraph(USMPropertyGraph * PropertyGraph, bool RemoveFromMaps) |
void | HandlePropertyGraphArrayRemoval(TArray< FSMGraphProperty_Base * > & GraphProperties, TArray< TSharedPtr< FSMGraphProperty > > & TempGraphProperties, FProperty * TargetProperty, int32 RemovalIndex, int32 ArraySize, const FSMGraphProperty * OverrideGraphProperty, USMNodeInstance * Template) |
void | HandlePropertyGraphArrayInsertion(TArray< FSMGraphProperty_Base * > & GraphProperties, TArray< TSharedPtr< FSMGraphProperty > > & TempGraphProperties, FProperty * TargetProperty, int32 InsertionIndex, int32 ArraySize, const FSMGraphProperty * OverrideGraphProperty, USMNodeInstance * Template, bool bDuplicate =false) |
void | HandlePropertyGraphArraySwap(TArray< FSMGraphProperty_Base * > & GraphProperties, int32 IndexA, int32 IndexB, USMNodeInstance * Template) |
void | HandleOnPropertyChangedEvent(UObject * InObject, FPropertyChangedEvent & InPropertyChangedEvent) |
int32 | GetLoadedVersion() const |
Public Attributes inherited from USMGraphNode_Base
Name | |
bool | bGenerateTemplateOnNodePlacement |
uint32 | bRequiresGuidRegeneration |
uint32 | bNeedsStateStackConversion |
uint32 | bTEST_ForceNoTemplateGuid |
TMap< FString, bool > | PropertyCategoriesExpanded |
Protected Attributes inherited from USMGraphNode_Base
Name | |
bool | bPostEditChangeConstructionRequiresFullRefresh |
TArray< FSMGraphNodeLog > | CollectedLogs |
TObjectPtr< UEdGraph > | BoundGraph |
FVector2D | NodePosition |
TObjectPtr< USMNodeInstance > | NodeInstanceTemplate |
TMap< FGuid, TObjectPtr< UEdGraph > > | GraphPropertyGraphs |
TMap< FGuid, TObjectPtr< USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base > > | GraphPropertyNodes |
TMap< FGuid, TObjectPtr< USMNodeInstance > > | GraphPropertyTemplates |
TSet< FGuid > | DuplicatedNodeGuids |
TSharedPtr< FSlateBrush > | CachedBrush |
FString | CachedTexture |
FVector2D | CachedTextureSize |
FLinearColor | CachedNodeTintColor |
float | DebugTotalTime |
float | MaxTimeToShowDebug |
uint32 | bIsDebugActive |
uint32 | bWasDebugActive |
uint32 | bIsPreCompiling |
uint32 | bJustPasted |
uint32 | bIsEditUndo |
uint32 | bCreatePropertyGraphsOnPropertyChange |
uint32 | bCreatePropertyGraphsSilently |
uint32 | bChangeFromRedirect |
Friends inherited from USMGraphNode_Base
Name | |
class | SGraphNode_BaseNode |
Public Functions inherited from ISMEditorGraphNode_StateBaseInterface
Name | |
virtual FGameplayTagContainer & | GetAnyStateTags() =0 ![]() |
virtual void | SetAnyStateTags(const FGameplayTagContainer & InAnyStateTags) =0 ![]() |
Public Functions inherited from ISMEditorGraphNodeInterface
Name | |
virtual TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface > | GetEditorGraphProperty(FName PropertyName, const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance, int32 ArrayIndex =0) const =0 ![]() |
virtual TArray< TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface > > | GetEditorGraphPropertyAsArray(FName PropertyName, const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance, int32 ArrayIndex =-1) const =0 ![]() |
virtual TArray< TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphPropertyNodeInterface > > | GetAllEditorGraphProperties(const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance) const =0 ![]() |
virtual FString | GetNodeName() const =0 ![]() |
virtual bool | SetNodeName(const FString & NewName, FText & OutErrorMessage) =0 ![]() |
virtual void | ResetNodeName() =0 ![]() |
virtual TScriptInterface< ISMEditorGraphNode_StateBaseInterface > | AsStateBaseInterface() =0 ![]() |
Public Functions Documentation¶
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::PostEditChangeProperty
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::GetJumpTargetForDoubleClick
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase::DestroyNode
Place default nodes when a class is selected.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::PlaceDefaultInstanceNodes
Return the correct node class property name for the node type.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::GetNodeClassPropertyName
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::GetNodeStackPropertyName
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::GetNodeStackElementClassPropertyName
Return the correct node class. This should be a TSubClass property in child nodes.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::GetNodeClass
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::SetNodeClass
If property graphs can be placed within this node.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::SupportsPropertyGraphs
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::GetFriendlyNodeName
The icon image to use.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::GetNodeIcon
Instantiate a template for use as an archetype.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::InitTemplate
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::AreTemplatesFullyLoaded
Check if this node might have construction scripts.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::DoesNodePossiblyHaveConstructionScripts
Runs all template construction scripts core behavior.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::RunAllConstructionScripts_Internal
Restore specific construction scripts values.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::RestoreArchetypeValuesPriorToConstruction
virtual void PreCompileNodeInstanceValidation(
FCompilerResultsLog & CompilerContext,
USMCompilerLog * CompilerLog,
USMGraphNode_Base * OwningNode
) override
Called during kismet pre-compile specifically for node instances to run custom validation.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::PreCompileNodeInstanceValidation
Called during kismet compile after this node has been cloned.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::OnCompile
Retrieve the array index from the template guid.
Return: the array index or INDEX_NONE if not found.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::GetIndexOfTemplate
Return every node template, starting with primary node template, followed by any stack items. All possible indices are filled so some items might be nullptr.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::GetAllNodeTemplates
virtual USMNodeInstance * AddStackNode(
TSubclassOf< USMNodeInstance > NodeClass,
int32 StackIndex
) override
Add a stack node to the graph node if applicable. Currently only supports state stacks.
- The node class to be created.
- The index to insert the node stack. Leave at -1 to place at the end.
Return: The stack instance created.
Instead of calling directly use the USMStateInstance methods to manipulate the state stack during construction.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::AddStackNode
Remove a stack node by index. Currently only supports state stacks.
- The index to remove. Leave at -1 to remove from the end.
Instead of calling directly use the USMStateInstance methods to manipulate the state stack during construction.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::RemoveStackNode
Remove all nodes from the stack. Currently only supports state stacks.
Instead of calling directly use the USMStateInstance methods to manipulate the state stack during construction.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::ClearStackNodes
Return all state stack templates.
Retrieve the template instance from an index.
Return: the NodeInstance template.
Reimplements: USMGraphNode_Base::GetTemplateFromIndex
Public Attributes Documentation¶
Select a custom node class to use for this node. This can be a blueprint or C++ class.
Augment the state by adding additional state classes to perform logic processing.