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#include <ISMGraphGeneration.h>


struct ISMGraphGeneration::FSetNodePropertyArgs;

Arguments for setting a node property.

Public Attributes

FName PropertyName
FString PropertyDefaultValue
int32 PropertyIndex
EArrayChangeType ArrayChangeType
USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance

Public Attributes Documentation

variable PropertyName

FName PropertyName;

[Required] The name of the property.

variable PropertyDefaultValue

FString PropertyDefaultValue;

[Optional] The default value to assign the property.

variable PropertyIndex

int32 PropertyIndex = 0;

[Optional] Index when setting an array element.

variable ArrayChangeType

EArrayChangeType ArrayChangeType = SetElement;

[Optional] How to handle modifying an array.

variable NodeInstance

USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance = nullptr;

[Optional] The node instance which contains the property, such as a node stack instance. When null the default node template instance is used.