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Module: SMAssetTools

#include <ISMAssetToolsModule.h>

Inherits from IModuleInterface


class ISMAssetToolsModule;

The public interface to this module

Public Functions

ISMAssetToolsModule & Get()
bool IsAvailable()
virtual TSharedPtr< ISMAssetManager > GetAssetManagerInterface() const =0
virtual TSharedPtr< ISMGraphGeneration > GetGraphGenerationInterface() const =0
virtual TSharedPtr< FSMAssetExportManager > GetAssetExporter() const =0
virtual TSharedPtr< FSMAssetImportManager > GetAssetImporter() const =0

Public Functions Documentation

function Get

static inline ISMAssetToolsModule & Get()

Singleton-like access to this module's interface. This is just for convenience! Beware of calling this during the shutdown phase, though. Your module might have been unloaded already.

Return: Returns singleton instance, loading the module on demand if needed

function IsAvailable

static inline bool IsAvailable()

Checks to see if this module is loaded and ready. It is only valid to call Get() if IsAvailable() returns true.

Return: True if the module is loaded and ready to use

function GetAssetManagerInterface

virtual TSharedPtr< ISMAssetManager > GetAssetManagerInterface() const =0

Return the asset tools interface.

function GetGraphGenerationInterface

virtual TSharedPtr< ISMGraphGeneration > GetGraphGenerationInterface() const =0

Return the graph generation interface.

function GetAssetExporter

virtual TSharedPtr< FSMAssetExportManager > GetAssetExporter() const =0

Return the asset export manager for exporting state machine assets.

function GetAssetImporter

virtual TSharedPtr< FSMAssetImportManager > GetAssetImporter() const =0

Return the asset import manager for exporting state machine assets.