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Module: SMContentEditor

#include <SMContentAsset.h>

Inherits from UObject


class USMContentAsset;

Import content to your project to use as examples or a base for your own implementation.

Public Functions

virtual bool IsEditorOnly() const override
FString GetOwningDirectory() const
FString GetDirectoryPath(bool bRelative =false) const
FString GetStagedFilesPath(bool bRelative =false) const
FString GetPackFilePath(bool bRelative =false) const
TArray< FAssetData > GetStagedAssets() const
bool IsExtractedAndStaged() const
void SetInputMappingContext(const UInputMappingContext * InInputMappingContext)
const TMap< FName, FSMInputActionWrapper > & GetInputActionsMapping() const
const TArray< FString > & GetPackagedFiles() const
void PackageAsset()
FString GetStagedFilesDirectoryName()

Public Attributes

FText Name
FText Author
FText Description
FText DetailedDescription
TObjectPtr< UTexture2D > TitleImage
TObjectPtr< UTexture2D > DescriptionImage
ESMContentType ContentType
int32 SortPriority
FString PrimaryMapName
TArray< TSoftObjectPtr< USMContentAsset > > ContentAssetDependencies
bool bInstallToPluginContent

Public Functions Documentation

function IsEditorOnly

inline virtual bool IsEditorOnly() const override

function GetOwningDirectory

FString GetOwningDirectory() const

The relative directory owning this file.

function GetDirectoryPath

FString GetDirectoryPath(
    bool bRelative =false
) const

The full directory path to this asset.

function GetStagedFilesPath

FString GetStagedFilesPath(
    bool bRelative =false
) const

The full path to the staged files before installation.

function GetPackFilePath

FString GetPackFilePath(
    bool bRelative =false
) const

Return the expected pak file path location

function GetStagedAssets

TArray< FAssetData > GetStagedAssets() const

Retrieve the actual UAssets for this content; Only valid if staged. These are assets either extracted and ready to be migrated or are assets ready to be packaged into a pak file.

function IsExtractedAndStaged

bool IsExtractedAndStaged() const

Checks if this asset is extracted to the plugin content folder and staged, potentially ready for migration.

function SetInputMappingContext

void SetInputMappingContext(
    const UInputMappingContext * InInputMappingContext

Set the input mapping context for the asset This will duplicate the input context.

function GetInputActionsMapping

inline const TMap< FName, FSMInputActionWrapper > & GetInputActionsMapping() const

Return the input action context embedded into the content asset.

function GetPackagedFiles

inline const TArray< FString > & GetPackagedFiles() const

Return the files packaged with this asset.

function PackageAsset

void PackageAsset()

function GetStagedFilesDirectoryName

static FString GetStagedFilesDirectoryName()

The single contained directory files should be staged to prior to install. Not a full path.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable Name

FText Name;

variable Author

FText Author;

variable Description

FText Description;

variable DetailedDescription

FText DetailedDescription;

variable TitleImage

TObjectPtr< UTexture2D > TitleImage;

The small title image.

variable DescriptionImage

TObjectPtr< UTexture2D > DescriptionImage;

The large image to display when selected.

variable ContentType

ESMContentType ContentType;

The type of content this asset represents.

variable SortPriority

int32 SortPriority = 10;

The order to display by default during Content selection.

variable PrimaryMapName

FString PrimaryMapName;

The name of the map which should be opened when the Content is installed.

variable ContentAssetDependencies

TArray< TSoftObjectPtr< USMContentAsset > > ContentAssetDependencies;

Other content assets this one is dependent on.

variable bInstallToPluginContent

bool bInstallToPluginContent = false;

The content should be installed to the plugin content folder only.

Private Attributes Documentation

variable InputActionsMapping

TMap< FName, FSMInputActionWrapper > InputActionsMapping;

Input values detected during packaging.

variable PackagedFiles

TArray< FString > PackagedFiles;

Read only view of all packaged files.