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#include <ISMGraphGeneration.h>


struct ISMGraphGeneration::FCreateStateNodeArgs;

Arguments for creating a new base state graph node.

Public Attributes

TSubclassOf< USMStateInstance_Base > StateInstanceClass
TSubclassOf< USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase > GraphNodeClass
USMGraph * GraphOwner
FString StateName
UEdGraphPin * FromPin
FVector2D NodePosition
FGuid NodeGuid
bool bIsEntryState

Public Attributes Documentation

variable StateInstanceClass

TSubclassOf< USMStateInstance_Base > StateInstanceClass = USMStateInstance::StaticClass();

[Optional] The node instance class to use.

variable GraphNodeClass

TSubclassOf< USMGraphNode_StateNodeBase > GraphNodeClass;

[Optional] The graph node class to use. Leave null to determine the class from the instance.

variable GraphOwner

USMGraph * GraphOwner = nullptr;

[Optional] The graph the node should be placed in. When null the blueprint root graph is used.

variable StateName

FString StateName;

[Optional] The name to apply to the state.

variable FromPin

UEdGraphPin * FromPin = nullptr;

[Optional] The graph pin leading to this state.

variable NodePosition

FVector2D NodePosition = FVector2D(128.f, 0.f);

[Optional] The position of the node in the graph.

variable NodeGuid

FGuid NodeGuid;

[Optional] The node guid to assign. Generally best to leave invalid so it can be auto assigned. This also can serve as the UEdGraphNode NodeGuid if this is for a state that doesn't exist at runtime.

variable bIsEntryState

bool bIsEntryState = false;

[Optional] If this node should be wired to the graph entry. Ignored if FromPin set.