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#include <ISMSearch.h>


struct ISMSearch::FSearchArgs;

Arguments for searching for field values within assets.

Public Attributes

FString SearchString
TArray< FName > PackagePaths
TArray< TSoftClassPtr< USMInstance > > StateMachineClasses
TSet< FName > PropertyNames
TArray< FEdGraphPinType > PinTypes
bool bIncludeSubClasses
bool bCaseSensitive
bool bFullWord
bool bRegex
bool bAllowConstructionScriptsOnLoad

Public Attributes Documentation

variable SearchString

FString SearchString;

[Required] Word or phrase to search for.

variable PackagePaths

TArray< FName > PackagePaths;

[Optional] Limit the search to these paths.

variable StateMachineClasses

TArray< TSoftClassPtr< USMInstance > > StateMachineClasses;

[Optional] Classes to filter. Same effect as adding an asset path to PackagePaths.

variable PropertyNames

TSet< FName > PropertyNames;

[Optional] Limit the search to these property names.

variable PinTypes

TArray< FEdGraphPinType > PinTypes;

[Optional] Limit the search to these property types.

variable bIncludeSubClasses

bool bIncludeSubClasses = false;

[Optional] Include subclasses of any StateMachineClasses. This requires all SMBlueprints loaded.

variable bCaseSensitive

bool bCaseSensitive = false;

[Optional] If the search should be case sensitive.

variable bFullWord

bool bFullWord = false;

[Optional] If only the full word(s) should be searched.

variable bRegex

bool bRegex = false;

[Optional] Use regular expressions in the search.

variable bAllowConstructionScriptsOnLoad

bool bAllowConstructionScriptsOnLoad = false;

[Optional] Allow construction scripts to run when an asset is loaded from search. This is disabled for performance.