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Module: SMSystemEditor

Inherits from FBlueprintEditor

Public Functions

DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FOnCreateGraphEditorCommands , ISMStateMachineBlueprintEditor * , TSharedPtr< FUICommandList > )
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FOnSelectedNodesChanged , TSharedPtr< ISMStateMachineBlueprintEditor > , const TSet< UObject * > & )
virtual USMBlueprint * GetStateMachineBlueprint() const =0
virtual const TWeakObjectPtr< USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base > & GetSelectedPropertyNode() const =0
virtual bool IsSelectedPropertyNodeValid(bool bCheckReadOnlyStatus =true) const =0
virtual void SelectNodes(const TSet< UEdGraphNode * > & InGraphNodes, bool bZoomToFit =false) =0
virtual FOnSelectedNodesChanged & OnSelectedNodesChanged() =0

Public Attributes

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API FOnCreateGraphEditorCommands OnCreateGraphEditorCommandsEvent

Public Functions Documentation


    FOnCreateGraphEditorCommands ,
    ISMStateMachineBlueprintEditor * ,
    TSharedPtr< FUICommandList > 


    FOnSelectedNodesChanged ,
    TSharedPtr< ISMStateMachineBlueprintEditor > ,
    const TSet< UObject * > & 

function GetStateMachineBlueprint

virtual USMBlueprint * GetStateMachineBlueprint() const =0

Return the loaded blueprint as a USMBlueprint.

function GetSelectedPropertyNode

virtual const TWeakObjectPtr< USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base > & GetSelectedPropertyNode() const =0

Return the currently selected property node. This isn't guaranteed to be valid unless used in a selected property command.

function IsSelectedPropertyNodeValid

virtual bool IsSelectedPropertyNodeValid(
    bool bCheckReadOnlyStatus =true
) const =0

Checks if a single selected node is a valid property node.

function SelectNodes

virtual void SelectNodes(
    const TSet< UEdGraphNode * > & InGraphNodes,
    bool bZoomToFit =false
) =0

Clear the current selection, select the new nodes, and optionally focus the selection which accounts for multiple nodes.

function OnSelectedNodesChanged

virtual FOnSelectedNodesChanged & OnSelectedNodesChanged() =0

Called when the selected nodes in the blueprint editor have changed.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable OnCreateGraphEditorCommandsEvent

static SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API FOnCreateGraphEditorCommands OnCreateGraphEditorCommandsEvent;

Called when the state machine graph editor is creating the command list.