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Module: SMPreviewEditor

#include <SMPreviewObject.h>


struct FSMPreviewObjectSpawner;

Contains spawn data and an exported template.

Public Functions

void SaveActorDefaults(UObject * Outer, bool bModify =true)
void LoadActorDefaults(UObject * Outer)
bool operator==(const FSMPreviewObjectSpawner & OtherSpawner) const

Public Attributes

TSubclassOf< UObject > Class
FVector Location
FRotator Rotation
FVector Scale
bool bIsContext
FString ObjectLabel
TObjectPtr< AActor > SpawnedActor
TObjectPtr< AActor > ActorTemplate

Public Functions Documentation

function FSMPreviewObjectSpawner


function ~FSMPreviewObjectSpawner


function SaveActorDefaults

void SaveActorDefaults(
    UObject * Outer,
    bool bModify =true

Serialize the SpawnedActor's properties.

function LoadActorDefaults

void LoadActorDefaults(
    UObject * Outer

Deserialize properties to the ActorTemplate.

function operator==

inline bool operator==(
    const FSMPreviewObjectSpawner & OtherSpawner
) const

Public Attributes Documentation

variable Class

TSubclassOf< UObject > Class;

variable Location

FVector Location;

variable Rotation

FRotator Rotation;

variable Scale

FVector Scale;

variable bIsContext

bool bIsContext;

variable ObjectLabel

FString ObjectLabel;

Set by world outliner.

variable SpawnedActor

TObjectPtr< AActor > SpawnedActor;

A reference to an actor spawned from the ActorTemplate.

variable ActorTemplate

TObjectPtr< AActor > ActorTemplate;

Loaded from serialized actor properties, used for instantiating the SpawnedActor.

Private Attributes Documentation

variable SavedActorProperties

TArray< uint8 > SavedActorProperties;

Properties for the actor template, serialized separately to prevent circular dependency load issues.