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#include <ISMSearch.h>


class ISMSearch::FSearchResult;

Results of a search. Replacement results are also stored here.

Public Functions

FString GetBlueprintName() const
FString GetNodeName() const
FString GetPropertyName() const
int32 GetPropertyIndex() const
int32 GetBeginMatchedIndex() const
int32 GetEndMatchedIndex() const
int32 FindMatchedTextRangeIntersectingRange(const FTextRange & InRange) const
bool HasError() const
void CheckResult() const
void TryResolveObjects()
void LoadObjects()
TSharedPtr< FStreamableHandle > AsyncLoadObjects(const FSimpleDelegate & InOnLoadedDelegate =FSimpleDelegate())
FORCEINLINE bool operator==(const FSearchResult & Other) const
FORCEINLINE bool operator!=(const FSearchResult & Other) const

Public Attributes

FString BlueprintPath
TSharedPtr< FSearchResultFiB > FiBResult
TWeakObjectPtr< UBlueprint > Blueprint
TWeakObjectPtr< UEdGraphNode > GraphNode
TWeakObjectPtr< USMNodeInstance > NodeInstance
FProperty * Property
int32 PropertyIndex
TArray< FTextRange > MatchedTextRanges
FString PropertyValue
FString Namespace
FString Key
TSharedPtr< FReplaceResult > ReplaceResult
bool bAllowConstructionScriptsOnLoad

Public Functions Documentation

function GetBlueprintName

FString GetBlueprintName() const

Return the blueprint name

function GetNodeName

FString GetNodeName() const

Return the node name.

function GetPropertyName

FString GetPropertyName() const

Return the property name.

function GetPropertyIndex

int32 GetPropertyIndex() const

Return the array index this property falls in. INDEX_NONE if not an array.

function GetBeginMatchedIndex

int32 GetBeginMatchedIndex() const

Return the first matched character index or INDEX_NONE.

function GetEndMatchedIndex

int32 GetEndMatchedIndex() const

Return the last matched character index or INDEX_NONE.

function FindMatchedTextRangeIntersectingRange

int32 FindMatchedTextRangeIntersectingRange(
    const FTextRange & InRange
) const

Checks if a given range is contained within the matched text ranges.

Return: The array index of the matching MatchedTextRanges.

function HasError

bool HasError() const

If an error occurred during search or replace.

function CheckResult

void CheckResult() const

Call check() on pointers which should be valid.

function TryResolveObjects

void TryResolveObjects()

Tries to set object fields if they are loaded. Does not load objects.

function LoadObjects

void LoadObjects()

Attempt to load any objects from paths and guids.

function AsyncLoadObjects

TSharedPtr< FStreamableHandle > AsyncLoadObjects(
    const FSimpleDelegate & InOnLoadedDelegate =FSimpleDelegate()

Attempt to async load any objects from paths and guids.

Return: The streamable handle to the async load. Will be null if no async load occurred.

function operator==

inline FORCEINLINE bool operator==(
    const FSearchResult & Other
) const

function operator!=

inline FORCEINLINE bool operator!=(
    const FSearchResult & Other
) const

Public Attributes Documentation

variable BlueprintPath

FString BlueprintPath;

The path to the blueprint, used to load the asset if needed.

variable FiBResult

TSharedPtr< FSearchResultFiB > FiBResult;

The result returned from Find In Blueprints.

variable Blueprint

TWeakObjectPtr< UBlueprint > Blueprint;

The blueprint containing the text.

variable GraphNode

TWeakObjectPtr< UEdGraphNode > GraphNode;

The graph node containing the property if applicable.

variable NodeInstance

TWeakObjectPtr< USMNodeInstance > NodeInstance;

The node instance owning the property.

variable Property

FProperty * Property = nullptr;

The property containing the text.

variable PropertyIndex

int32 PropertyIndex = 0;

The index of the property if an array.

variable MatchedTextRanges

TArray< FTextRange > MatchedTextRanges;

All occurrences of the search text found in the property value.

variable PropertyValue

FString PropertyValue;

The text containing the search string. This is either the exported value or the literal value.

variable Namespace

FString Namespace;

The saved namespace if reading a text value.

variable Key

FString Key;

The saved key if reading a text value.

variable ReplaceResult

TSharedPtr< FReplaceResult > ReplaceResult;

The replace result, if one exists.

variable bAllowConstructionScriptsOnLoad

bool bAllowConstructionScriptsOnLoad = false;

If construction scripts should run on load. Generally managed by search args.

Private Attributes Documentation

variable OnLoadDelegate

FSimpleDelegate OnLoadDelegate;