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SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API TSharedPtr< ISinglePropertyView > CreatePropertyViewForProperty(UObject * InObjectOwner, const FName & InPropertyName)
SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API void SetPropertyValue(FProperty * InProperty, const FString & InValue, UObject * InObject, int32 InArrayIndex =0)
SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API FString GetPropertyValue(FProperty * InProperty, UObject * InObject, int32 InArrayIndex =0)
SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API FProperty * GetExtendedGraphPropertyResult(FProperty * InProperty, uint8 * InContainer)
SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API bool IsObjectPropertyInstanced(const FObjectProperty * ObjectProperty)
SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API void GetAllObjectProperties(const void * InObject, const UStruct * InPropertySource, TArray< FPropertyRetrieval > & OutProperties, const FPropertyRetrievalArgs & InArgs =FPropertyRetrievalArgs())
SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API void ForEachInstancedSubObject(const UObject * InObject, const TFunction< void(UObject *)> & Function)
SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API const FGuid & SetGraphPropertyFromProperty(FSMGraphProperty_Base & GraphProperty, FProperty * Property, const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance, int32 Index =0, bool bSetGuid =true, bool bUseTemplateInGuid =true, bool bUseTempNativeGuid =false)
SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API bool IsPropertyExposedToGraphNode(const FProperty * Property)
SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API bool IsPropertyHandleExposedContainer(const TSharedPtr< IPropertyHandle > & InHandle)
SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API FStructProperty * GetGraphPropertyFromProperty(FProperty * Property)
SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API bool IsPropertyGraphProperty(const FProperty * Property)
bool ShouldGraphPropertyDisplayThumbnail(const USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base * InGraphPropertyNode)

Functions Documentation

function CreatePropertyViewForProperty

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API TSharedPtr< ISinglePropertyView > CreatePropertyViewForProperty(
    UObject * InObjectOwner,
    const FName & InPropertyName

Create a temporary property handle for a given property. Call GetPropertyHandle() from here. The property handle will be valid as long as the property view is valid.


UObject owning the property.
The field name of the property.

Return: A property handle created for this property.

function SetPropertyValue

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API void SetPropertyValue(
    FProperty * InProperty,
    const FString & InValue,
    UObject * InObject,
    int32 InArrayIndex =0

Correctly set a property value by importing a text value. Handles individual properties, arrays, and extended graph properties. This does not use property handles and instance propagation will not occur.


The property to import data.
The text value to import.
The object instance containing this property.
An index for the property.

function GetPropertyValue

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API FString GetPropertyValue(
    FProperty * InProperty,
    UObject * InObject,
    int32 InArrayIndex =0

Return the string value of a property. Handles individual properties, arrays, and extended graph properties.


The property to import data.
The object instance containing this property.
An index for the property.

function GetExtendedGraphPropertyResult

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API FProperty * GetExtendedGraphPropertyResult(
    FProperty * InProperty,
    uint8 * InContainer

Retrieve the 'Result' FProperty from a single property with no array handling. Null if not a custom graph property.


The extended graph property.
The instance container of the property.

Return: The FProperty result, or nullptr if not a custom graph property.

function IsObjectPropertyInstanced

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API bool IsObjectPropertyInstanced(
    const FObjectProperty * ObjectProperty

Checks if an object property is instanced or exported.

function GetAllObjectProperties

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API void GetAllObjectProperties(
    const void * InObject,
    const UStruct * InPropertySource,
    TArray< FPropertyRetrieval > & OutProperties,
    const FPropertyRetrievalArgs & InArgs =FPropertyRetrievalArgs()

Recursively retrieve all nested object properties. Checks all root properties and properties of nested structs or exported objects. Does not handle maps or sets.


The object address to check. Generally can just provide a UObject instance.
The source containing the properties. Usually your InObject->GetClass()
All found object properties.
Additional configuration arguments.

function ForEachInstancedSubObject

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API void ForEachInstancedSubObject(
    const UObject * InObject,
    const TFunction< void(UObject *)> & Function

Iterate over each valid instanced sub-object in an object. Sub-objects are matched to the owning object's ObjectProperty values where the owning property is marked Instanced but not transient.

This is useful for cooking builds as sub-objects may have the transient flag added during cook when they normally wouldn't be a transient object.

This won't account for properties belonging to a map or set.


The object owning the sub-objects. The sub-objects may be nested.
A function to execute for each sub-object.

function SetGraphPropertyFromProperty

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API const FGuid & SetGraphPropertyFromProperty(
    FSMGraphProperty_Base & GraphProperty,
    FProperty * Property,
    const USMNodeInstance * NodeInstance,
    int32 Index =0,
    bool bSetGuid =true,
    bool bUseTemplateInGuid =true,
    bool bUseTempNativeGuid =false

Sets all related internal properties. Returns the guid used.

function IsPropertyExposedToGraphNode

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API bool IsPropertyExposedToGraphNode(
    const FProperty * Property

Checks appropriate flags on a property to see if it should be exposed to a graph node.

function IsPropertyHandleExposedContainer

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API bool IsPropertyHandleExposedContainer(
    const TSharedPtr< IPropertyHandle > & InHandle

Checks if the property handle is a supported container and exposed.

function GetGraphPropertyFromProperty

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API FStructProperty * GetGraphPropertyFromProperty(
    FProperty * Property

Returns the struct property if this property is a graph property.

function IsPropertyGraphProperty

SMSYSTEMEDITOR_API bool IsPropertyGraphProperty(
    const FProperty * Property

Checks if the property is considered a graph property.

function ShouldGraphPropertyDisplayThumbnail

bool ShouldGraphPropertyDisplayThumbnail(
    const USMGraphK2Node_PropertyNode_Base * InGraphPropertyNode

If a graph property should show its thumbnail.