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Repository Access

Logic Driver has a private GitHub repository available to select licensees. Engine previews, new features, and bug fixes can be acquired faster by compiling from source. The repository contains a README with more information on the branch structure. You should already be comfortable compiling a plugin from source.

Enterprise Users

Access is generally given in bulk after executing a contract. To add new users or remove existing users please either go through the established point of contact with Recursoft or email from your company account. Include the project codename if applicable and the GitHub usernames to add or remove.

Organization Access

It is not possible to add an entire organization. GitHub users have to be added individually.

Marketplace Users

Small Indies Only

Repository access is offered as a courtesy for Pro Marketplace licensees that are developing on a small (less than $250k) budget. Otherwise access is restricted to Enterprise licensees.

To get access to the private GitHub repository with the plugin source code please email your Epic Games Marketplace receipt of Logic Driver Pro along with your github username to

This information needs to be verified with Epic Games which may take 1-2 business days or more.

When accepting the invite as a Marketplace licensee, you agree that you are in compliance with the Marketplace license and are operating within the development budget set by Recursoft. Repository access is not part of the Marketplace EULA and can be revoked at any time.

Github's policy when losing access to a private repository is to delete private forks.